Procure To Pay

Procure To Pay Mobile adds convenience to your PAYscan approval workflows.

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LaunchedNov 05, 2020
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Procure to Pay adds mobile convenience to your P2P workflows. Quickly review and process purchase orders and invoices awaiting your approval with a few simple touches.
P2P is built on Yardi PAYscan technology.

Procure to Pay features:

- Create a new invoice with a picture taken from your mobile device
- Create and edit purchase orders
- Securely review and approve invoices and purchase orders
- Search for invoices and purchase orders
- Drill-down to review purchase order, invoice, and payable details, workflow history, budget information, and attachments
- Review and validate invoice images using touchscreen gestures
- Email invoice images or download them to your device
- View vendor information and ledgers
- Receive purchase order items
- Validate invoices


Yardi PAYscan streamlines the payables process and reduces costs by converting paper invoices into efficient electronic transactions. Workflow is automated as invoices are routed through the approval process all the way to vendor payment.


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Version History

Last version released 562 days ago. 26, 2023

App theme changed.
Enhanced international currency support. 05, 2023

Support refreshing the user session to prevent logoffs 03, 2023

- Fixed error on sync 25, 2023

- Support Send to Full Service
- New permission check for Add IR
- Security enhancements 02, 2021

Improved stability for new versions of Elevate.
Fixed issues with adding invoice images on some versions of Android.

LaunchedNov 05, 2020

Other Information