HappyLighting is a Bluetooth lamp control software.
HappyLighting is a Bluetooth lamp control software.
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HappyLighting is a Bluetooth lamp control software.
1. you can control the HappyLighting Bluetooth lights for color matching.
2. you can control the timing of HappyLighting Bluetooth lights.
3. can control the HappyLighting Bluetooth lamp to set the lighting mode.
4. you can change the color of the light according to the music.
If your Bluetooth lamp doesn't start with "Triones, BRGlight, Dream, Light" in the Bluetooth list, don't download this app, because this app only controls these Bluetooth lamp devices.
Version History
Releasing updates every 25 days on average. Last update 111 days ago.
Fix music not playing
Modify the supported music format
Adapting Android 12:
If your mobile phone version is the latest "Android 12", you don't have to turn on "GPS" and "get location" to connect the device using app Bluetooth
Fix known issues
Fix known issues
Fix android 8.0 crash
Version optimization
Fixed some problems
Add support for new devices
Add support for new devices
Optimize APP
Add Japanese translation
Fixed QHM microphone mode problem
Fix the problem that Android 10 system cannot play music
APP adapts Android 10.0 system
Modify Icon
Other Information
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