Wing Bank
The Wing Bank App as your everyday wallet for all your cashless transactions.
The Wing Bank App as your everyday wallet for all your cashless transactions.
Total Ratings
Ever wonder how other people maximize their time? They do not visit physical banks, wait for their change every purchase, or line up in long queues to pay bills. Instead, they do all of these things in one platform. A platform that caters to all Cambodians.
The Wing Bank App is your ever-reliable mobile banking companion. Send money to anyone in Cambodia and other parts of the globe, pay your bills on-time, top up your phone, and shop online in just a few clicks. It’s safe, convenient, easy-to-use, and fast so you can do it anywhere, anytime. Get the Wing Bank App today!
Here’s how you can maximize your Wing Bank App:
•Opt for cashless transactions to ensure the safety of your money.
•Consistently check your account activity.
•Use for convenient day-to-day payments.
•Send and receive money anywhere in Cambodia.
•Send money from one Wing account to another via Wing-2-Wing.
•Send money from one Wing account to a non-Wing user via Wing WeiLuy.
•Send and receive money to or from international remittance partners globally. International partners are located from different parts of the globe!
•Transfer money from Wing to a bank account and vices versa.
•Top-up your phone easily with any amount via Wing.
•Top-up your family members or your friend’s phone or buy them phone credits via Wing.
•List of available mobile providers: Cellcard, Metaphone, Smart, QB, CooTel, and Yes Seatel.
•Make online bill payment directly from the Wing Bank app.
•Electricity, water, insurance, internet cable? Wing has got you covered! Enjoy hassle-free payment at the comfort of your own home! Do all of these in a click of a button and pay all of your utilities on time.
•Scan the QR Code and easily pay Wing’s partner merchants using the app. No need to bring actual cash or physical card! Amazing, right?
•No cash, no risk. Enjoy the cashless way of spending your money.
•Have total control of your money! Use your Wing Online Mastercard and enjoy cashless transactions from different local and international brands.
•It’s a Mastercard, which means it’s accepted worldwide! Shop at different merchants at the convenience of your home.
•No need to wait long queues. Just one click, your purchase is fast and secure.
•Completely virtual. No actual cash needed.
Enjoy international money transfers using the Wing Bank App. It's as simple as pressing a few buttons!
In-bound service: Migrant workers can easily send their money to any of Wing Partner's in more than 200 countries and receiving is easy.
Outbound service: Cambodians or expats can send their hard-earned money to anyone in real-time using the Wing Bank App.
We now partner with Western Union and MoneyGram for more coverages
Save papers and don’t use actual red packets! Gift your friends any amount with the Wing Ang Pao. All it takes is a few simple steps! Select "Individual" or "Group" and enter the recipient's Wing account or phone number.
Business with Wing? Talk to us and we'll help you.
Affordable business settlement and disbursement? Manage your business transactions with WingSME. Grow your business with Wing, maximize all opportunities, offer more services to clients, and enjoy all benefits.
Payroll system is all over the place? Secure the disbursements of your funds and make sure payroll is on time through Wing!
1. It cuts off the unnecessary backend headcounts
2. Employees can withdraw anytime!
3. No maintenance fee.
1. One-click solution to disburse funds.
2. Save time for approval of processes.
3. Avail all the features on the Wing Bank App.
1. Get your salary on time!
2. Risk-free of handling cash.
Wing is with you wherever, whenever. Bring your everyday wallet and start a cashless society! Invite your friends to download the app today and register their Wing accounts!
Version History
Releasing updates every 23 days on average. Last update 23 days ago.
We’re excited to announce the latest update to Wing Bank App! This release brings new features, improvements, and bug fixes to enhance your financial management experience.
🔹 New Feature:
• Exclusive tips for new users to increase eligibility for Digital Loans or higher credit limits.
✨ Improvements:
• Enhanced UX/UI: Added account profile KYC status with an option to upgrade.
• Minor content enhancements for better readability.
🐛 Bug Fixes:
• Fixed issues affecting user experience.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
• Minor UI improvements.
• Bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
• Minor UI improvements.
• Bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
• Minor UI improvements.
• Bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
• Minor UI improvements.
• Bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Introducing new referral program for Wing Bank App users.
- Minor UXUI enhancement
- Bug fixes and improvements
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- New UXUI design for account registration.
- New UXUI design for Wingpoints.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- New UXUI design for account registration.
- New UXUI design for Wingpoints.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- UXUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- UXUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Make a call to our Call Center for free via VoIP call on Wing Bank App.
- UXUI improvement.
- Minor bug fix and improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI enhancement.
- Bug fix and security enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Introducing Save for Goal, a smarter way to save your money.
- UXUI revamp for new account opening on the app.
- Minor bug fix and enhancement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI improvement.
- Minor bug fixed and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI improvement.
- Minor bug fixed and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor UXUI improvement.
- Minor bug fixed and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Open Term Deposit Account with Wing Bank with new interest rate up to 9% p.a.
- Personal KHQR improvement.
- Minor UXUI improvement.
- Minor bug fixed and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Introducing Wingcoin where you can pay and earn coins with Wing Bank merchant nationwide.
- Authentication mechanism enhancement.
- App performance and UX/UI improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Removal of Basic Account registration.
- Minor UXUI and content enhancement.
- App performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Link and manage your trade account right from the app.
- Minor UXUI and content enhancement.
- App performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
• Own account transfer.
• New UI for confirmation, success and transaction details screen.
• Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
• Own account transfer.
• New UI for confirmation, success and transaction details screen.
• Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier on Wing Bank App.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Live chat with our care center on the app (Khmer, English and Chinese supported).
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
● Minor UXUI Improvement.
● Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Access to your financial services is much easier.
Catch up with our latest update:
- Receiver account KYC checking for transfer via Bakong.
- UXUI and content enhancement.
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement on Wing Bank App:
- Promo code for international money transfer via MoneyGram.
- UXUI and content improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement on Wing Bank App:
- Promo code for international money transfer via MoneyGram.
- UXUI and content improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement on Wing Bank App:
- Promo code for international money transfer via MoneyGram.
- UXUI and content improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement on Wing Bank App:
1. Book your bus ticket with CamboTicket and pay with Wing on Wing Bank App. 2. Subscribe to Cellcard Serey package directly from Phone Top Up. 3. Enjoy advertising with YouAdMe on Wing Bank App.4. Now you can use the unified QR scan to scan and link your cards. 5. Minor bug fixes, content and UXUI improvements.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Wing Bank Widget: show KHQR and receive payment from your mobile phone home screen.
3. Minor UX/UI enhancement.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Wing Bank Widget: show KHQR and receive payment from your mobile phone home screen.
3. Minor UX/UI enhancement.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Wing Bank Widget: show KHQR and receive payment from your mobile phone home screen.
3. Minor UX/UI enhancement.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Introducing Wing Bank Credit Card: gets travel insurance coverage up to $1 million, free access to airport lounges globally, and many other benefits.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Introducing Wing Bank Credit Card: gets travel insurance coverage up to $1 million, free access to airport lounges globally, and many other benefits.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Introducing Wing Bank Credit Card: gets travel insurance coverage up to $1 million, free access to airport lounges globally, and many other benefits.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Introducing Wing Bank Credit Card: gets travel insurance coverage up to $1 million, free access to airport lounges globally, and many other benefits.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. MCS Card: link and manage your government ID card right on Wing Bank App.
2. Wingmall with additional features
3. Bug fix and improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. MCS Card: link and manage your government ID card right on Wing Bank App.
2. Bug fix and improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. MCS Card: link and manage your government ID card right on Wing Bank App.
2. Bug fix and performance.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. MCS Card: link and manage your government ID card right on Wing Bank App.
2. Bug fix and performance.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. MCS Card: link and manage your government ID card right on Wing Bank App.
2. Bug fix and performance.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. MCS Card: link and manage your government ID card right on Wing Bank App.
2. Bug fix and performance.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
- Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Digital Loan: introducing the first ever digital loan that serves your need best.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Digital Loan: introducing the first ever digital loan that serves your need best.
2. Bug fix and performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. NCS: transfer money to all local banks via NCS.
2. Wingpoints: new user-friendly interface design for Wingpoints.
3. Wingmall: new user-friendly interface design for Wingmall.
4. Wingexpress: fast parcel delivery with Wingexpress.
5. Account Self-Unblock: unblock account by yourself with few simple clicks.
6. Other: bug fix and content improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. WingAgri: manage agriculture communities digitally on the app.
2. Other: bug fix and content improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Free Cash Out Package: Enjoy free fee Cash-Out at any Wing agent nationwide.
2. PPSHV Expressway: Pay the express way fee on Wing Bank App and enjoy your trip.
3. Other: Bug fix and improvement.
Catch up with latest update and enhancement:
1. Free Cash Out Package: Enjoy free fee Cash-Out at any Wing agent nationwide.
2. PPSHV Expressway: Pay the express way fee on Wing Bank App and enjoy your trip.
3. Other: Bug fix and improvement.
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
bug fix and improvement.
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
1. Free Cash Out Package: Enjoy fee free Cash-Out at any Wing agent nationwide.
2. Other: bug fix and improvement.
- Generate your personal KHQR
- Unified QR Scanner. You can use the main scanner to cash out, pay your bill, scan to make the payment and perform KHQR Remittance through Bakong
- Adding more Bakong Member
- Various UIUX Enhancement
- Generate your personal KHQR
- Unified QR Scanner. You can use the main scanner to cash out, pay your bill, scan to make the payment and perform KHQR Remittance through Bakong
- Adding more Bakong Member
- Various UIUX Enhancement
- Generate your personal KHQR
- Unified QR Scanner. You can use the main scanner to cash out, pay your bill, scan to make the payment and perform KHQR Remittance through Bakong
- Adding more Bakong Member
- Various UIUX Enhancement
- Deposit Calculator
- Cellcard New Package
- WingMarket
- UX/UI Improvements
- Bug Fixes
- Deposit Calculator
- Cellcard New Package
- WingMarket
- UX/UI Improvements
- Bug Fixes
- Master Card World
- UX/UI Improvements
- Bug Fixes
Welcome to Wing Bank.
We have radically transformed, including tweaks and improvements under the Wing umbrella in this version to spend, save, manage your money, and make your WingBank experience even smoother.
- Manage your accounts easily with the enhanced My Account feature.
- Download and share transaction receipts and account statements in multiple versions.
- Manage all your card settings as per your needs with a few clicks.
- Make quick and frictionless QR payments bot both USD and KHR
Thanks for using Wing Bank! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Bank app includes improvements in speed, reliability, and bug fixes.
This version also include:
- KHQR payment
Thanks for using Wing Bank app! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Bank app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• General bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for using Wing Bank app! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Bank app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• General bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for using Wing Money! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Bank app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• General bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for using Wing Money! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Bank app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• General bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for using Wing Money! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Money app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• General bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for using Wing Money! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Money app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• General bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for using Wing Money! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the Play Store as soon as possible.
Every update of our Wing Money app includes improvements in speed, reliability, bug fixes, and new features.
In this version:
• Updated Physical Mastercard Numberless card features
• General bug fixes and improvements
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
- Bug fixed
- Application performed improvement
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
- Bug fixed
- Application performed improvement
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
- Bug fixed
- Application performed improvement
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
- Bug fixed
- Application performed improvement
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
- Bug fixed
- Application performed improvement
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
- Bug fixed
- Application performed improvement
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
1. Wing logo: update new Wing logo
2. Mastercard 3D Secure code: Online shopping is more secure with Mastercard 3D secure code
3. Other: bug fix and improvement
- Bug fixed
- Application performance improvement.
- Bug fixed
- Application performance improvement.
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
1. Digital Passbook: view your passbook direct from the app.
2. Account Self Upgrade: easy and convenient way to upgrade your account information and enjoy more service from Wing.
3. Other: bug fix and improvement.
Bugs fixed and improvement.
1. Saving/Current Account: It is just easy to instantly open Saving/Current account by yourself on Wing Money App
2. Term Deposit Account: Start saving and enjoy high interest rate with Term Deposit Account from Wing
3. Account Self Upgrade: Upgrade your account information wherever you are and enjoy more services with Wing
4. Other improvements
Bug fixes and improvement
New features and improvements:
Transfer money to other banks via Bakong
+ User can transfer money to other local banks via Bakong in "Wing to Bank" feature, conveniently and securely
Offline QR Code
+ New feature, under account profile, that enables the user to access their QR Code offline to make payment at WingPay merchants even without internet access
Notification improvement
+ Notification UI improvement with the split between transaction notifications and announcement notifications
Bugs fix and improvement.
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Catch up with latest update & enhancement:
1. Virtual Visa Card: Enjoy online purchase with Wing Virtual Visa Card.
2. WingMall: We deliver more than food.
3. Other: bug fix and improvement.
- Offline WingPoints allows user to earn points for offsetting amount and redemption from catalogue
- Online WingPoints allows user to do online payment using points and e-wallet
- WingPoints Phone Top Up enables user to use earned points to top up
- Marketplace provides user with online shopping, booking transportation, micro saving and more
- Schedule Payment assists you to set up payment automatically; and never forget or be late for any payday!
- Bug fixes and other improvements
- Offline WingPoints allows user to earn points for offsetting amount and redemption from catalogue
- Online WingPoints allows user to do online payment using points and e-wallet
- WingPoints Phone Top Up enables user to use earned points to top up
- Marketplace provides user with online shopping, booking transportation, micro saving and more
- Schedule Payment assists you to set up payment automatically; and never forget or be late for any payday!
- Bug fixes and other improvements
Bug Fixes and App Optimizations
Enable 3D Secure Code for Online Card:
- Mastercard Secure Code is a private code for your Online Card that gives you an additional layer of online shopping security at a accepted 3D Secure merchant.
- Added protection to keep transactions private
Enable 3D Secure Code for Online Card:
- Mastercard Secure Code is a private code for your Online Card that gives you an additional layer of online shopping security at a accepted 3D Secure merchant.
- Added protection to keep transactions private
Enjoy the latest updates and improvements:
- Instant issuance of your Online Mastercard, you can now start international shopping
- Fund transfer from your Wing account to your FTB bank account
- Other improvements & several bugs fixed
Enjoy the latest updates and improvements:
- Instant issuance of your Online Mastercard, you can now start international shopping
- Fund transfer from your Wing account to your FTB bank account
- Other improvements & several bugs fixed
Enjoy the latest update for all available features and improvement:
- Secure registration process
- Step-by-step registration tutorial for newly registered user
- home screen guide for newly registered user
- Business Payment function for small and medium enterprises
- Biller search function for faster & easier bill payments
- Other improvements & several bugs fixed
- Added Wing Account self-registration by using phone number, allowing user to conveniently open Wing Account anytime, anywhere.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Added Wing Account self-registration by using phone number, allowing user to conveniently open Wing Account anytime, anywhere.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Bug fixes
- New biller logos
- Updated FAQ
- New biller logos
- New look and feel of the Home Screen; manage your multiple accounts by just swiping the Wing Account, show/hide the balance information, access transaction history and enable QR code for Wing Account number
- Send money by scanning the QR code
- Share transaction details with the recipient after successful transaction of Wing-2-Wing and Wing WeiLuy
- Phone Top Up instruction for voucher top up
- Added logo for each biller
- App Session Timeout allows the user to select time interval to logout
- New look and feel of the Home Screen; manage your multiple accounts by just swiping the Wing Account, show/hide the balance information, access transaction history and enable QR code for Wing Account number
- Send money by scanning the QR code
- Share transaction details with the recipient after successful transaction of Wing-2-Wing and Wing WeiLuy
- Phone Top Up instruction for voucher top up
- Added logo for each biller
- App Session Timeout allows the user to select time interval to logout
- Added new function to purchase Voucher for Phone Top Up
- Several bug fixes and usability improvements
- Added new function to purchase Voucher for Phone Top Up
- Several bug fixes and usability
Enjoy our latest update with:
- New feature "Pay with Wing" for quick payment to Merchant/Retailer without
swapping your Wing card
- Improved UI to Send Money with switch control to choose "Wing to Wing" or "Wing
- Support Barcode/QR code scan for Bills Payment or Pay with Wing
- Enable OTP verification when
adding new Wing Account
- Remove Ad section in bottom of Home Screen
- You can see many more transactions in
your account with detailed information
- Fixed other issues
Enjoy our latest update with:
- New feature "Pay with Wing" for quick payment to Merchant/Retailer without
swapping your Wing card
- Improved UI to Send Money with switch control to choose "Wing to Wing" or "Wing
- Support Barcode/QR code scan for Bills Payment or Pay with Wing
- Enable OTP verification when
adding new Wing Account
- Remove Ad section in bottom of Home Screen
- You can see many more transactions in
your account with detailed information
- Fixed other issues
This update includes:
• Added more call centre numbers in "About" and "Contact Us" screen
• Change UI of
Contact Us
• Several bug fixes and usability improvements
We are constantly working on making the Wing Money mobile app much better for you. This update includes:
Adding new feature of sending money to a non-Wing account. You can now send money to either a Wing account or a non-Wing
- Adding recipient name of Wing-2-Wing in confirmation screen
- Improving phone top up experience with
new UI switch control (My Phone Number and Other Phone Number)
- Fingerprint Authentication Login
- General
bug fixes and performance enhancements
We are constantly working on making the Wing Money mobile app much better for you. This update includes:
Adding new feature of sending money to a non-Wing account. You can now send money to either a Wing account or a non-Wing
- Adding recipient name of Wing-2-Wing in confirmation screen
- Improving phone top up experience with
new UI switch control (My Phone Number and Other Phone Number)
- Fingerprint Authentication Login
- General
bug fixes and performance enhancements
We are constantly working on making the Wing Money mobile app much better for you. This update includes:
Adding new feature of sending money to a non-Wing account. You can now send money to either a Wing account or a non-Wing
- Adding recipient name of Wing-2-Wing in confirmation screen
- Improving phone top up experience with
new UI switch control (My Phone Number and Other Phone Number)
- Fingerprint Authentication Login
- General
bug fixes and performance enhancements
Fixed bug related to SMS Receiving.
Bug fixes for the following screens:
-Home Screen
-Phone Top Up
-Accounts List Screen
New feature for activating and registering with inactive Wing Account
Numerous bug fixes
uppercase, lowercase, and number password validations
Login Screen
Remembers last valid login phone number
Positions text cursor on first empty textfield and opens keyboard
Sign Up Screen
Sign up with
inactive Wing Account
Checking Wing Account status
Realtime field validation upon switching fields
Confirm Sign Up Screen
Fields for PIN and temporary PIN
New feature for activating and registering with inactive Wing Account
Numerous bug fixes
uppercase, lowercase, and number password validations
Login Screen
Remembers last valid login phone number
Positions text cursor on first empty textfield and opens keyboard
Sign Up Screen
Sign up with
inactive Wing Account
Checking Wing Account status
Realtime field validation upon switching fields
Confirm Sign Up Screen
Fields for PIN and temporary PIN
To include "How to Cash In" instruction
Other Information
Show Details