Wikaya Demo
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Wikaya mobile app is an innovative platform for improving prevention of chronic diseases (e.g.- diabetes, heart diseases, COPD, cancer, etc..)
Wikaya provides personalized recommendations to help improve your health. The recommendations includes:
· Primary Prevention-lifestyle changes: behavioral changes targeting your risk factors (obesity, nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, sleeping)
· Secondary Prevention- screening tests: tests for early detection of diseases
· Educational Content: articles and tips to improve your awareness to prevention- what you need to do, why and how to do it.
Our recommendations are based on the most updates guidelines of the leading medical and health organizations in the United States and Europe:
· Food and Drugs Administration- FDA
· Center of Disease Control- CDC
· American Diabetes Association
· American Heart Association
· National Cancer Institute
· National Health Institute- NIH
· United States Preventive Services Task Force- USPSTF
· The European Public Health Association- EUPHA
· National Health Service (UK)- NHS
Wikaya process the information that you insert about your health status and daily activity, in addition to data extracted from different sensors of the mobile phone (e.g.- steps) and other data that you will authorize Wikaya access to (wearables, 3rd. party mobile apps and medical devices).
The collected data is processed applying machine learning algorithms to learn more about your compliance and how can we improve.
Wikaya provides Prevention Score that was developed by Wikaya medical and data team. The Prevention Score gives a numerical indication to the level of your prevention efforts.
Our approach to prevention focuses only on the modifiable risk factors, since they are the only factors that matter in terms of your ability to improve your health status and make a positive change.
Wikaya goal is to provide personally-customized recommendations to you, based on deep analysis to your health status, your risk factors and your behavioral preferences, so that the recommendations will have the most impact on your health status (by using our scoring system) and have the highest chances that you will do them (using our compliance predictive model)
Wikaya is a platform that provides recommendations based on the evidence-based medical and health guidelines. It should not be considered, in any way, as a replacement for visiting your doctor and discussing your health status with her/him.