Live Videos - Live Wallpapers
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Live Videos - Live Wallpapers - Live Wallpaper Solution
You have an interesting video. You want to make it be your phone live wallpaper. But you don't know how. Live Videos - Live Wallpapers will help you.
★★ HOW TO USE Live Videos - Live Wallpapers ★★
You have three very simple ways to set a live video wallpaper:
- Directly launch the Video Wallpaper app
- Long press on your home screen and select "Live Wallpapers -> Video Wallpaper"
- From your gallery application, press to share your video and select Video Wallpaper.
Now you have a nice live wallpaper as you want.
★★ WHAT DOES Live Videos - Live Wallpapers HAVE ★★
- Choose videos in your gallery or download some interesting videos from our list.
- Trim feature to get only a part of video.
- Adjust feature to make the video fit your phone screen with no shrink or stretch.
★★ WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH Live Videos - Live Wallpapers ★★
- Dozen of live videos from your phone.
- Customize your live wallpaper as much as Live Videos - Live Wallpapers can.
So, download and make your Live Videos - Live Wallpapers right now!
Version History
Last version released 3218 days ago.
improve performance