Broken Screen Realistic Prank
Install crack screen simulator and pretend that you are smashing phone display.
Install crack screen simulator and pretend that you are smashing phone display.
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"Broken Screen Realistic Effect Prank" is a free broken screen simulator for your phone. App will display cracked glass images on your phone. It will look as if your phone's screen got cracked. You can set the trigger thanks to which the broken glass effect will appear. You have the choice to shake your phone, touch the screen or set time after which crack display image will appear. You'll get six different broken glass graphics to choose from.
Remember: To remove broken effect just run app again or select "Touch here to remove broken screen" in android status/notification bar.
Why you should install this simulator?:
✔️ high quality of broken glass images and sound
✔️ cracked effect displayed on the top of all running apps
✔️ three ways to start cracked screen effect
✔️ great tool to make jokes and pranks with your friends
Version History
Last version released 176 days ago.
🛠️ crack your screen simulator ready for Android 14 and 15
🔨 broken screens visualization quality improved
🛠️ remove broken screen notification: fixed for Android 13
🔨 screen doesn't break on user touch: fixed for Android 8 and below
🛠️ phone doesn't work after screen crack: fixed for Android 12
🔨 screen doesn't break on user touch: fixed for Android 8 and below
🛠️ phone doesn't work after screen crack: fixed for Android 12
🔨 screen doesn't break on user touch: fixed for Android 8 and below
🛠️ updated permission dialog box for Android 11
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ updated permission dialog box for Android 11
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ updated permission dialog box for Android 11
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ updated permission dialog box for Android 11
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ updated permission dialog box for Android 11
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ updated permission dialog box for Android 11
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ fixed some "cracked phone screen simulation" issues
🔨 two new broken / glitched screen visualizations (16 in total)
🛠️ fixed some "cracked phone screen simulation" issues
🔨 two new broken screen visualizations (14 in total)
🔊 added crack sound volume adjustment
🛠️ fixed many bugs responsible for incorrect display of the cracked screen effect
🔨 two new broken screen visualizations (14 in total)
🔊 added crack sound volume adjustment
🛠️ fixed many bugs responsible for incorrect display of the cracked screen effect
🔨 two new screen glitches
🔊 9 new screen crack / glitch sounds
⛏️ a lot of broken screen improvements and bug fixes
🔨 two new screen glitches
🔊 9 new screen crack / glitch sounds
⛏️ a lot of broken screen improvements and bug fixes
🔨 two new screen glitches
🔊 9 new screen crack / glitch sounds
⛏️ a lot of broken screen improvements and bug fixes
🔨 two new screen glitches
🔊 9 new screen crack / glitch sounds
⛏️ a lot of broken screen improvements and bug fixes
🔨 two new screen glitches
🔊 9 new screen crack / glitch sounds
⛏️ a lot of broken screen improvements and bug fixes
🔨 two new screen glitches
🔊 9 new screen crack / glitch sounds
⛏️ a lot of broken screen improvements and bug fixes