UBA Mobile App
Enjoy a seamless digital banking experience with the UBA Mobile App.
Enjoy a seamless digital banking experience with the UBA Mobile App.
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Manage your accounts, send money, top-up airtime, schedule your bills, save for your goals, and much more...
The UBA Mobile App is your Personal Financial Manager and It's Made for you!
What's great about the new UBA Mobile App? Everything!
You can:
Set spending limit
Schedule and pay bills
Make transfers
Get instant notifications
Save for your goals
Open a new account
Interact in multiple languages
Sort out transaction disputes easily
Find a branch or ATM near you
Lock, freeze, cancel and block your card
Organise your dashboard
Select themes to suit your mood
Wave over your phone camera to hide your balance
Send money to phone numbers
Confirm, request, and stop cheques
To get started
If you have a UBA account, select Sign-up and register as a new user by choosing from any of the options below:
1. UBA Debit/Prepaid Card
2. UBA Secure Pass
4. Activation Code Only (limited access)
5. In-branch activation
If you do not have a UBA account
1. Click the menu on the top-left corner of your app
2. Select "Open an Account"
3. Choose your preferred account type
4. Fill in your details and your account number will be sent to you via SMS
5. Conclude your signup process
6. Start Banking
Version History
Last version released 48 days ago.
Minor bug fixes
We have recently updated our privacy policy
- Added privacy policy
- Added CBN license for Nigeria
Fixed fund wallet
Added data privacy policy
Improved App Security
Bug fixes
Security enhancement
- Optimized app experience
- NIBBS Qr fix
Fixed eNaira bug
Merchant Payments
- eNaira Wallet transaction
- Transaction pin reset fix
- Fixed account suspension error message
- Added card control
- And many more
- Added cardless withdrawal
- and many more
- fixed Nibss QR error
- and many more
- fixed transaction sorting
- changed locate us icons
- fixed push notification
- fixed deactivated account login issue
- and many more
Enjoy our sleek and trendy user interface that lets you build your app in your own image with a range of preferences designed to make your life simpler.
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