TSU.InTime – schedule
Classes schedule of Tomsk State University in your smartphone
Classes schedule of Tomsk State University in your smartphone
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It's time for global changes!
Completely new design. Only the essentials, nothing more.
As before, the schedule of your classes, classrooms, teachers.
But now - in your time zone.
Just enter your group and don't miss the lesson.
Stay tuned, we have a lot of great ideas.
Version History
Releasing updates every 4 months on average. Last update 109 days ago.
We continue negotiations with pre-New Year problems.
We have fixed the error in displaying the academic semesters
The war with bugs continues
We continue to develop our super app. Services can now request access to user data. But don't be afraid, the data will only become available with the user's permission!
We are tracking bugs in the app a little better now.
Fixed a bug due to which the schedule was not displayed for some users.
We have so many new things!
User Profile: Your learning statistics, grades, exams and more.
Widget: Now you don't have to open the app to see the timetable. While miniwidgets are available, but soon they will grow up!
And the most important update:
TSU.InTime becomes a super app! Built-in services are available in beta mode. You can already see the news and events of the university, create request in TSU.Helper. But soon there will be even more services, stay tuned!
Error fixing.
Little bug fix.
Little bug fix.
Little bug fix.
We have added the ability to combine the schedules of several groups, teachers, classrooms on one screen. Just add a group, teacher or audience to Favorites, click the arrow at the top of the screen, and the selected schedules will be merged with yours.
Bug fix.
New types of lessons have been added.
In this version, we have returned the ability to view the schedule for the whole week on one screen.
We also added new functionality: the ability to send feedback and suggestions about the application. If you have any ideas for improvements or want to report a problem, simply select "Send feedback" in the Menu.
Timezone problems fix.
New semester with a new design!
New semester with a new design!
Bug fix
Bug fixing.
We have fixed some bugs.
New year with new schedule!
In the new semester - with the new InTime!
Now even more features:
- Export schedules to device calendars.
- Widgets.
- Notes to lessons.
- University's events.
- Notifications of schedule changes.
- Favourite schedules can now be combined into one!
Fix of subgroup number bug.
Bug fixing.
We added a campus map to the application, as well as Favorites. Now the schedule of friends from another group will be at hand!
We apologize for the temporary inoperability of the application. In theТГУ.Расписание system the list of groups and faculties has changed, so please select your group again. Congratulations to all users on the start of the school year!
We fixed an error related to the endless loading of data at application start.
We have added an English version for foreign students of TSU!
Вы просили, а мы сделали!
- Отображение расписания на неделю.
- Удобный функционал для преподавателей.
- Поиск по группам, преподавателям и аудиториям.
Скоро выйдут новые обновления! У нас много сюрпризов к предстоящему учебному году 😉
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