My TPG is a one-stop-shop to manage your TPG account and services on the go!
My TPG is a one-stop-shop to manage your TPG account and services on the go!
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My TPG app puts your TPG account in the palm of your hand, including our latest mobile and wireless broadband plans. User-friendly, simplified and easily accessible, My TPG gives you greater control of all your TPG services on-the-go.
What can you do on the app?
• Check your home internet speeds
• Test your connection status
• Track usage of your internet and mobile plan
• Top-up your prepaid mobile balance
• Lodge faults and receive live status updates
• Receive bill and statement summaries
• Track your installation
• Change your current plan
• Update your contact, password, and payment details.
For your peace of mind, security features are in place to keep your account protected from unauthorised access.
Managing your TPG services has never been easier! Download the My TPG app today.
Version History
Last version released 374 days ago.
Network issue resolved
Updated the minimum sdk requirement
You can now use the My TPG App to manage all your TPG services, including our latest mobile and wireless broadband plans.
We’ve also improved security features to help protect your account from unauthorised access.
The latest update implements a bug fix. We are working on further improvements and new features so keep an eye out for our next update!
The latest update implements several bug fixes and improvements to ensure better user experience. We are working on further improvements and new features so keep an eye out for our next update!
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