My HR - Management anywhere, any time, on your hand
My HR - Management anywhere, any time, on your hand
Total Ratings
Offer mobility to your employees through the TOTVS Meu RH app, which allows simple and fast actions and will lead to much more agility and autonomy for your company.
What's new?
Save password and access with Touch ID. \o/
Temporary employee replacement.
And what do we have since previous vers
Access and share the payment envelope.
View and update your data and documents.
View your team's vacation schedule.
Approve the requested vacation of your team.
Request your vacation.
Register allowances with your smartphone.
Receive absentee information due attested by your staff.
Get the absences information due medical certificate by your staff.
Geolocation clockings (without the job clocking hardware).
Income report.
Some functions depend on the version made available by your company's IT sector and enabled features. And for technical installation and use information visit the documentation at:
Version History
Releasing updates every about 1 month on average. Last update 16 days ago.
Security enhancements and adjustments to optimize the application
Security enhancements and adjustments to optimize the application
Security enhancements and adjustments to optimize the application.
Security enhancements and adjustments to optimize the app.
Security improvements in the application
Improved security in the application.
Application security improvements.
Application security improvements.
Improved login performance.
Update to improve application security.
Inserting security improvements into the authentication process.
improvement in the functioning of application settings.
Improvements to the login flow.
Added improvements to app settings.
Security improvement in the login process.
Security improvement in the login process.
Security improvement in the login process.
Security improvement in the login process.
- Adjust the "Share" option of the QR Code
- Update of the demo environment
Adjustment in accessing the application settings screen.
Improved clocking process by geolocation.
Fixed translation scheme on splash screens. Changes in the geolocation process and also payslip download.
Improved user experience and changes to the password change process on first login.
In the new version we will have some really cool news and as a highlight, we will release a completely renewed login interface, aimed at the best user experience. In addition, we have increased some security aspects to make your data even more protected and secure. Finally, we had bug fixes in order to make using the app more pleasant.
General corrections in the login process
Change of business flow for convergent lines login
Layout adjustments for login functionality
- Camera correction in the medical certificate functionality.
Adding translations to the application
Improved user experience
Bug fixes
- Improved app security by preventing it from running on rooted devices
- Adjustments to validation messages
- General improvements
New features and app layout changes
General app optimizations
Improved functionality to change password at first login for RM and Protheus lines
Improvements for Android versions 9+
First-time password change screen.
Usability improvements
Usability improvements, including option to remember password.
What we have improved:
- Geolocation
- Layout of screens
Usability improvements.
New app icon.
Usability and docs improvements
Usability improvements.
New app icon.
Usability improvements
Demonstration option
Usability improvements
Fix app layout
Usability improvements
Application translated into English and Spanish.
Ajuste de labels e leitura automática do QR Code.
Liberado manutenção dos ambientes.
Agora é possível incluir, excluir ou alterar ambientes lidos pelo QR Code.
Other Information
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