Camera Tools for Heros
Control GoPro action cameras and Protune.
Control GoPro action cameras and Protune.
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The Camera Tools for Heros app allows you control multiple GoPro® cameras, including Protune, live preview and media download.
The app is compatible with: GoPro® Hero 2 (with WiFi pack), 3 (White/Silver/Black), 3+ (Silver), GoPro® Hero 4 Silver/Black Edition, GoPro® Hero 5 Black Edition, GoPro® Hero 5 Session, GoPro® Hero 6 Black Edition, GoPro® Hero 7 White/Silver/Black Edition, GoPro® Hero 8/9/10/11/12/13 Black Edition, GoPro® Hero 11 Mini, Hero 2024, GoPro® Max 360°, and GoPro® Fusion 360° cameras.
Demo video:
## Features
- Fast access to the camera via Bluetooth LE.
- Start and stop recording and tag moments on multiple cameras at the same time.
- Change camera settings (including Protune settings on camera which have Protune).
- Create camera setting presets which can be easily loaded to the camera.
- Change the camera settings and the camera mode of multiple cameras at the same time.
- Create and edit presets on Hero 8 and newer models.
- Show the live preview of one camera in full screen mode.
- Download media (photos, videos) from one camera.
- Create time-lapse series with individual intervals and custom date/time slots.
- Quick capturing tool for automatically connecting to the camera, start/stop recording, and power off the camera if the camera is not accessible (e.g. during motor cycling when mounted on the helmet).
- Control cameras via Bluetooth keyboards:
- Control via Bluetooth (multi-camera control supported): Hero 5 Session, Hero 5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13, Fusion, Max.
- Control via WiFi (only one camera at the same time): Hero 4 Session, Hero 3/4/5/6/7.
- COHN support (connect the GoPro to an existing Wi-Fi network): Hero 12/13
### Disclaimer
This product and/or service is not affiliated with, endorsed by or in any way associated with GoPro Inc. or its products and services. GoPro, HERO and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GoPro, Inc
Version History
Releasing updates every about 1 month on average. Last update 116 days ago.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.7.1 (18-11-2024)
- Added: Support for GoPro Labs proxy file support.
- Fixed: GoPro Hero 3 media thumbnail preview.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.6.9 (03-10-2024)
- Added: Support for the new GoPro Hero (2024) camera.
- Added: COHN support (Hero 12/13). COHN allows you to connect your GoPro to an existing Wi-Fi network.
- Added: Support for GoPro Hero 13 cameras.
- Added: Option for custom live preview port (Hero 12/13 only).
- Fixed: Show camera connection state in the quick camera view.
- Fixed: Set camera/date time on Hero 11 and newer.
- Added: A second multi quick capturing dialog with a different design showing each camera's capturing status.
- Fixed compatibility with latest Android versions.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.6.3 (05-03-2024)
- Changed: Remotek key layout (see "").
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.6.2 (28-02-2024)
- Added: Shortcut key "x" for toggling between modes "video", "photo", and "time-lapse", and "d" for disconnecting all cameras on mobile systems. See also: "".
- Added: Option (in the app settings) for using Remotek Up/Down/Left/Right key mappings.
# 26-01-2024
- Fixed: Bluetooth devices not found due to missing permission request.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.6.0 (19-01-2024)
- Added: Support for GoPro Hero 2 (with WiFi BacPac), Hero 3 White/Silver/Black, and Hero 3 Plus Silver cameras.
- Added: Option for disabling Download manager alert dialog when downloading media files.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.5.8 (14-09-2023)
- Added: Missing preset icons and titles (e.g. for star trails, light painting, etc.).
- Added: Support for GoPro Hero 12 Black Edition cameras.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.5.7 (05-09-2023)
- Added: Play button for testing alert sounds.
- Extended: Support for alert sounds on mobile platforms.
Color annotations for distinguishing cameras.
Bug fixes.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.5.0 (01-01-2023)
- Added: Option for playing a (loud) sound from the "All cameras" view for synchronizing cameras in post production.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.4.9 (28-12-2022)
- Added: Option for showing visual warning if the camera battery level gets low.
- Added: Option for triggering recording with the system volume up/down keys (in the app settings, mobile systems only).
Added Hero 11 Mini support.
Fixed split screen bug.
Bug fixes.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.4.2 (19-09-2022)
- Added full support for Hero 11 cameras.
1.4.0 (01-09-2022)
- Added: Option for renaming Hero 8/9/10/Max presets locally in the app (they cannot be renamed on the camera thus!).
- Added: Option for mirroring live preview vertically (e.g. for usage as a rear camera).
- Added: Options for hiding the "+" and "Control all cameras" buttons (under app settings -> "UI") on mobile platforms.
- Bug fixes.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.3.8 (09-05-2022)
- Improved mobile UI.
1.3.7 (01-05-2022)
- Added option for selecting between old and new live preview mode for Hero 9/10 cameras (in the global app settings).
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.3.6 (23-04-2022)
- Bug fixes.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.3.5 (19-04-2022)
- Fixed live preview distortions.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.3.4 (19-04-2022)
- Fixed live preview distortions.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.3.3 (16-04-2022)
- Added WiFi support (Hero 4, Session, 5, 6, 7, Fusion).
- Improved live preview reliability.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.3.2 (08-04-2022)
- Added quick capturing tool with big buttons for controlling all cameras.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for controlling GoPro cameras via a Bluetooth keyboard (details see:
- Added full support for latest Hero 8, 9, and 10 firmware updates.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.2.6 (28-02-2022)
- Added support for directly changing settings from the live preview view.
- Added GPS active symbol to live preview view.
Bug fixes.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.2.4 (18-12-2021)
- Fixed GoPro Hero 10 presets introduced with the latest firmware updates.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.2.2 (11-11-2021)
- Files can be named to user-defined patterns when downloaded from the camera.
- It is now possible to select a custom media download location (e.g. on the SD card).
- Media downloads are now saved into camera specific folders.
- Added option for overwriting downloaded media files (the default is to rename the file if it exists).
- Improved Bluetooth connection quality.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.1.7 (20-09-2021)
- Added full support for the GoPro Hero 10 Black Edition camera.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.1.6 (08-08-2021)
- Added option for flipping live preview (along the y-axis/upside-down).
- Added offline camera presets (not stored on the camera) to the camera settings view.
- All media downloads are now stored in the public "Downloads" folder.
- Improved Hero 9 connection process.
- Bug fixes.
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.1.5 (17-05-2021)
- Added option for changing button sizes (control all and sub-controls).
- Bug fixes.
1.1.4 (05-05-2021)
- Added option for deleting all files from the camera in the media manager (formatting SD card).
** IMPORTANT: ** Please install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.1.1 (20-02-2021)
- Added quick access icons and status labels to the start view. The visible icons and status information can be configured in the app settings.
- Added histogram to the live preview.
- Improved settings.
1.1.0 (05-02.2021)
- Improved media download on Android so that media files are always stored in the "DCIM" folder.
1.0.9 (01-02-2021)
- Added tool for changing settings of multiple cameras at the same time.
- Added tool for changing the camera mode of multiple cameras at the same time.
1.0.8 (31-01-2021)
- Added support for GoPro Hero 2018 cameras.
- Added support for controlling GoPro Hero 4 Silver Edition and Hero 4 Black Edition cameras via Bluetooth (add "00" before the pairing PIN code if pairing fails).
- Added option for automatically reconnecting to camera if the Bluetooth connection is lost.
** IMPORTANT: ** Install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.0.8 (31-01-2021)
- Added support for GoPro Hero 2018 cameras.
- Added support for controlling GoPro Hero 4 Silver Edition and Hero 4 Black Edition cameras via Bluetooth (add "00" before the pairing PIN code if pairing fails).
- Added option for automatically reconnecting to camera if the Bluetooth connection is lost.
** IMPORTANT: ** Install the latest camera firmware first: "" **
1.0.4 (21-12-2020)
- Fixed problems with latest GoPro Hero 8/9/Max firmware released on 17-12-2020.
1.0.2 (04-12-2020)
- Added option for selecting media files based on file type.
- Added option for disabling media thumbnail downloads.
- Added option for automatically removing finished media from download manager.
- Added option for keeping screen on (mobile version).
1.0.1 (15-11-2020)
- Added time-lapse recording tool.
- Added quick capturing tool with big buttons.
- Media sort type is now stored.
- Broken media downloads are now correctly resumed.
- Bug fixes.