Zefix Movies & TV Shows Tips

Discover The Best Movies and TV on Zefix right now

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LaunchedAug 13, 2022
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Zefix is your new heading movie app, TV Shows, and Celebrities Informations. in addition, you have full information about the movie that you’re looking for. You are able to explore new Movies in Zefix. We offer personalised recommendations for TV Shows and Movies. Moreover, you can track and add movies to your Wishlist.
Zefix is the most popular movie app that allows you to track all your movies at once, and we have some new features that will make the app more enjoyable. We actually have right now reviews, duration of movies, FIlm's Budget, and Movies about the Poster you have chosen. all the movies are from the TMDB API,
If you are still looking for trendy movies and the most popular, we got your back. They're all in Zefix.
We actually know that you will love this Movie App, so it is made only for Movie Lovers that are always on track with brand new movies, Explore new titles or search for your favorites, and tv shows on your device, the more you search the more you know what is new on your app. don’t forget to give us feedback because this makes us go forward and make the app more upgraded with better user experience.
If you are a lover of actors, we have a bunch of reviews that are written by them. Zefix APK has thousands of movies that you can search at once.


-Movies infos, thumbnails, and Images are all from TMDB.org licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
-we use the TMDB API to fetch and get all the movies, and we follow the “Fair Use” guidelines by US law, if you feel there is a direct copyrighted or trademark violation that does not respect or take within “Fair Use” guidelines, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly.

Photo by Eva Bronzini:

Music by Stockaudios :


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Version History

Last version released 957 days ago.

LaunchedAug 13, 2022

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