Telemundo Atlanta
La aplicación móvil de Telemundo Atlanta, noticias en español.
La aplicación móvil de Telemundo Atlanta, noticias en español.
Total Ratings
Telemundo es propiedad de NBC Universal, una de las principales compañías de entretenimiento y medios del mundo.
El 2018 marcó el cuarto año que Telemundo ha sido clasificada como la cadena número 1 en español entre los adultos de 18 a 49 años en el horario de las 10 de la noche de lunes a viernes.
Version History
Releasing updates every about 1 month on average. Last update 34 days ago.
Reconstrucción general de la aplicación
Reconstrucción general de la aplicación
Redesigned to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for
Reconstrucción general de la aplicación
General fixes and performance enhancements
General fixes and performance enhancements
New Android TV app!
General fixes and performance enhancements
General fixes and performance enhancements
General fixes and performance enhancements
General fixes and performance enhancements
Minor bug fixes.
- Enhanced video experience
- Improved search experience
- UI enhancements
- Minor Bugfixes
This update addresses a bug with push notification settings. Verify your notification preferences in 'Notification Settings' after updating.
- New customized weather functionality
- Design Improvements
- Minor bug fixes
- Live streaming enhancements
Bug fixes and enhancements.
Design updates including new layouts for content in topic feeds
Minor analytic improvements
Recommended content
Resume Watching functionality for videos
Logout Option
Orientation rotation for tablet view
Minor bug fixes
We’re always working to improve your experience through new features and improvements. This update includes several under the hood improvements and small bug fixes to improve the performance of the app.
We have been reworking and polishing the app to make it faster and more customizable. There is new ability to customize what alerts you receive. Keep an eye out for that feature as it appears within the app!
Big updates to video sections and image galleries!
We’ve been working hard to bring you a better look and feel to our app! Make sure to notice updates to image galleries and streaming videos.
marketplace info update
We did some serious performance overhauling in this release. We should start up in about half the time that it used to take us. There are some other minor fixes that should make things more stable and run a bit better..
New update! We made the articles load quicker and tuned up a few things internally to improve the overall experience.
Another awesome update is here. We listened to users and their wants. We surveyed over 1000 of you users to get feedback on improvements. You indicated preference for brighter background and larger text. Check! We delivered. A refreshed look for you to see things in both low and dark light.
We made our push notification rich in style with a more prevalent location.
We also did some weather enhancements with multiple weather layers in the radar section.
We squashed some bugs too!
All new weather system with updated forecasts, multiple locations, and weather alert notifications!
While we were “under the hood” we also squashed a few bugs and made a bunch of performance improvements.
If you run into any problems, email us at and we will be happy to look into any issue for you.
La aplicación móvil de Telemundo Atlanta pone en tus manos lo mas relevante en noticias locales, el tiempo, deportes, entretenimiento y más.
La aplicación móvil de Telemundo Atlanta pone en tus manos lo mas relevante en noticias locales, el tiempo, deportes, entretenimiento y más.
La aplicación móvil de Telemundo Atlanta pone en tus manos lo mas relevante en noticias locales, el tiempo, deportes, entretenimiento y más.
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