ST Diode Finder

Efficient access to the most important information of Diodes in ST’s portfolio.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedOct 10, 2016
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A smart and fast way to explore ST’s diode portfolio using a mobile phone or tablet with easier and faster access to the most important information about any diode in ST’s portfolio.

• Autocompleting part number search to quickly display a diode’s characteristics
• Series search to get an overview of new FERD and SiC diode families
• Detailed parametric search for very specific diode searches
• Fast view of the most important electrical parameters of any diode
• Fast download of datasheet and technical literature linked to a particular part number
• “MY FAVORITES” option to easily compare the most interesting diodes


ST Diode Finder screenshot 1
ST Diode Finder screenshot 2
ST Diode Finder screenshot 3
ST Diode Finder screenshot 4
ST Diode Finder screenshot 5
ST Diode Finder screenshot 6
ST Diode Finder screenshot 7
ST Diode Finder screenshot 8

Version History

Last version released 1808 days ago.

1.5.0Mar 15, 2020

- New color theme and icon

1.4.0Jan 29, 2019

- Renewed Home View layout
- Added references to Technical Documentation collection

1.3.0Jul 11, 2018

- Added Home Button
- MultiBanner Carousel
- Save favorites during DB updates
- Added button to open Product Folder
- Added Sample and buy view
- MY FAVORITES sharing

1.1.0Nov 24, 2016

- Added favorite star icon to identify favorite products in search results
- Social sharing
- more detailed information exported for a part number

LaunchedOct 10, 2016

Other Information