Spetz for Specialists
This app is for service providers - Get more customers
This app is for service providers - Get more customers
Total Ratings
Spetz – This app is for service providers. If you’re looking for a service please download our customer app Spetz: Connect with Specialists in 30 Seconds.
Struggling to find customers? We can help.
Spetz takes care of finding you customers, so that you can focus on doing what you do best. Thousands of customers worldwide are using Spetz to get connected to reliable tradespeople and service providers like you.
Spetz allows you to receive calls from customers near you right at the time they’re looking for your services. We cover over 400 different services and have customers all over the globe searching for service providers 24/7.
How does it work?
⭐ Connect directly with the customer - When a new customer makes a request for your service, you’ll receive all their enquiry details and be able to connect with them in real-time.
⭐ Only receive calls for your services - Set the types of services you offer and get a stream of customers requesting only for those services.
⭐ Only from the areas you cover - Select the areas you want business to come from and start receiving targeted requests from those exclusive area.
⭐ Get priority with exclusive calls - Be the first specialist the customer connects with and get the job before anyone else knows about it
⭐ Customers sent to you on your schedule - Set and control the times you are available to respond to customer requests.
⭐ Control your availability - Set specific times when you won't be available, for example when you’re on holiday or if you have a heavy workload.
Download now and get more customers for your business today!
We are constantly improving our application and your feedback is important to us, please feel free to contact us at and let us know your thoughts at info@spetz.app
Version History
Releasing updates every 24 days on average. Last update 60 days ago.
Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
What's New in This Version:
Fresh UI Enhancements: Enjoy a smoother, more polished experience with our latest design improvements and bug fixes.
Dark Mode: Now available! Switch to the sleek new dark mode for a comfortable viewing experience, day or night.
Under-the-Hood Upgrades: We've updated to the latest SDKs to ensure better performance and compatibility.
Update now for a smoother, more refined app experience!
What's New in This Version:
Fresh UI Enhancements: Enjoy a smoother, more polished experience with our latest design improvements and bug fixes.
Dark Mode: Now available! Switch to the sleek new dark mode for a comfortable viewing experience, day or night.
Under-the-Hood Upgrades: We've updated to the latest SDKs to ensure better performance and compatibility.
Update now for a smoother, more refined app experience!
What's New in This Version:
Fresh UI Enhancements: Enjoy a smoother, more polished experience with our latest design improvements and bug fixes.
Dark Mode: Now available! Switch to the sleek new dark mode for a comfortable viewing experience, day or night.
Under-the-Hood Upgrades: We've updated to the latest SDKs to ensure better performance and compatibility.
Update now for a smoother, more refined app experience!
Say hello to our push notifications service! Now you can receive updates about new customers directly through our app.
This version also includes bug fixes, and other exciting new features that enhance your experience with Spetz.
With our new and improved user interface, you'll find it easier than ever to manage your profile, which includes updating your service types, locations, and work hours directly through the app.
Stay connected and never miss an update again with our push notifications!
Say hello to our push notifications service! Now you can receive updates about new customers directly through our app.
This version also includes bug fixes, and other exciting new features that enhance your experience with Spetz.
With our new and improved user interface, you'll find it easier than ever to manage your profile, which includes updating your service types, locations, and work hours directly through the app.
Stay connected and never miss an update again with our push notifications!
Say hello to our push notifications service! Now you can receive updates about new customers directly through our app.
This version also includes bug fixes, and other exciting new features that enhance your experience with Spetz.
With our new and improved user interface, you'll find it easier than ever to manage your profile, which includes updating your service types, locations, and work hours directly through the app.
Stay connected and never miss an update again with our push notifications!
Say hello to our push notifications service! Now you can receive updates about new customers directly through our app.
This version also includes bug fixes, and other exciting new features that enhance your experience with Spetz.
With our new and improved user interface, you'll find it easier than ever to manage your profile, which includes updating your service types, locations, and work hours directly through the app.
Stay connected and never miss an update again with our push notifications!
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
We are constantly working to provide you with the most convenient way to manage your Spetz. We continually make updates and improvements to the Spetz Specialists app to make sure you always have the best available version and newest features.
We have now added new reports so you can easily view your account summary and transactions. This can be accessed from the "My Account" tab inside your app.
Enjoying the Spetz Specialist app? Rate us! We always appreciate any feedback.
Spetz UK connects service providers with customers on a pay-per-referral basis with no membership fee. Spetz allows you to receive calls from local customers right at the time they are searching for your services. We cover hundreds of services and have customers all over the UK searching for service providers 24/7.
Spetz UK connects service providers with customers on a pay-per-referral basis with no membership fee. Spetz allows you to receive calls from local customers right at the time they are searching for your services. We cover hundreds of services and have customers all over the UK searching for service providers 24/7.
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