Engage with the speakers
Engage with the speakers
Total Ratings
Ask questions, vote in polls and be a part of the conversation at the event you’re attending. Download the Slido app and join your event by simply typing in the event code.
Slido is an easy to use Q&A and polling platform. It helps people to get the most out of meetings and events by bridging the gap between speakers and their audiences.
Please note that this app doesn’t include the admin mode of Slido and is meant only for participants.
With Slido app, you can:
You can watch the live stream and interact with live polls or audience Q&A directly from the app.
- “What is the best advice the mentor has ever given you?”
- “What kind of tools do you use for productivity?”
- Send questions for the Q&A whenever during the sessions, straight from the Slido app
- Don’t have any questions on your mind? Or the one you want to ask is already on the screen asked by somebody else? Upvote the other participants’ questions! Use Slido to push the most interesting questions to the top.
- Share your opinion or demonstrate your knowledge in live polls
- Do you know that feeling when you watch the best keynote ever and you’d like to praise the speaker? Use Slido app!
- Contribute to brainstorming with your thoughts. Type in your best ideas using Slido.
With Slido app, you can’t:
- use admin tools in this app. To administrate your session, go to and log in to your account.
Too many apps on your phone? Use our web version! Simply go to and enter the event code.
Having trouble? Please reach out to
Version History
Last version released 315 days ago.
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Some bug fixes and improvements under the hood.
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thank you <3
- It is much easier to watch a live stream in the app and interact via live polls or audience Q&A
- App now supports new image polls
- Event organizers can now fully customize the app to match the branding of the event
- Event organizers can now share important links, accessible from the app side menu
- App is now fully optimized for iPads
- Bug fixes and improved reliability
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thank you <3
App now supports timer in Quiz BETA so it is possible to see who was faster in the quiz in case there are more participants with the same number of correct answers
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
App now supports Quiz BETA which allows you to easily join the quiz and compete with other participants
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
- App now supports editing and withdrawing of questions during Q&A
- You will never miss a reply from event moderator as app now shows a notification
- Questions highlighted on Slido present mode is now highlighted in the app too
- Faster orientation in the Q&A thanks to showing unread questions in yellow color
- Support for Ukrainian language
- Smoother experience thanks to various small improvements and minor bug fixes
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
Small improvements and minor bug fixes
• Small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
• App now support automatic returns to Question section once a live poll or brainstorming topic is finished
• You will never miss in a poll as app now indicates with green badge that you haven’t send your vote yet
• App is now faster when used on big events with hundreds of questions
• Smoother experience thanks to various small improvements and minor bug fixes
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app? Send your feedback via app or to Thanks!
• Organisers can now highlight the correct answer when displaying the results in multiple choice polls
• You can choose to either send poll votes anonymously or with your name
• We now support 8 new languages: Norsk, Română, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, Bahasa Indonesia, Dansk, Nederlands, Eesti keel
• Smoother experience thanks to various small improvements and minor bug fixes
• We added the new 'About Slido' section where you can learn more about our service
* we’re bringing Topics, the new addition to our experimental feature Ideas BETA, to the app. Meeting or event organisers can easily begin with a topic and use Slido as a powerful tool for brainstorming to identify the best ideas out there.
* small improvements & minor bug fixes for a better experience with the app
Are you missing any important features in the Slido app?
Send your feedback to Thanks!
* we have added support for our new feature Admin Replies so event organizers can now write you back to answer or comment on questions you submitted.
* minor bug fixes & improvements under the hood
* You can now adjust your privacy level according to your personal preference
* We made our app fully GDPR compliant. As a result, our users can take better control of their personal data.
* Search was improved with a new design
* You can now jump to admin view right from the app. Find a link in a sidebar menu
* Some SSO setups didn't work so smoothly in our app, they do now
- We've added support for our two new BETA features - Ideas and Resources
- Our Twitter UX has been improved and we have added support for 280 character tweets
- And some bugs were fixed along the way
- We've added support for our two new BETA features - Ideas and Resources
- Our Twitter UX has been improved and we have added support for 280 character tweets
- And some bugs were fixed along the way
- We are introducing fresh new design, with many cool UX improvements
- You can now view results of rating poll, multiple choice poll and wordcloud
- We improved reordering of questions that will prevent mis-clicks when upvoting and downvoting a question
- And some minor bugs were squished along the way
- fix of SSO
- update app translations
- fix broken infinity scroll of question list
- fix of SSO
- update app translations
Join in the conversation at the event you’re attending. Download app and find your event by simply inserting the event code.
With, you can:
- Send questions to speakers and panelists
- Upvote the best questions
- Participate in live polls
- Send tweets with the event hashtag
- Easily browse the event agenda
- Create you personalized event schedule
- Network with other delegates
What is is an interactive Q&A and polling app for conferences and events. Event organizers can set up a event in less than one minute while participants need just a simple event code to join the conversation.
Join in the conversation at the event you’re attending. Download app and find your event by simply inserting the event code.
With, you can:
- Send questions to speakers and panelists
- Upvote the best questions
- Participate in live polls
- Send tweets with the event hashtag
- Easily browse the event agenda
- Create you personalized event schedule
- Network with other delegates
What is is an interactive Q&A and polling app for conferences and events. Event organizers can set up a event in less than one minute while participants need just a simple event code to join the conversation.
Join in the conversation at the event you’re attending. Download app and find your event by simply inserting the event code.
With, you can:
- Send questions to speakers and panelists
- Upvote the best questions
- Participate in live polls
- Send tweets with the event hashtag
- Easily browse the event agenda
- Create you personalized event schedule
- Network with other delegates
What is is an interactive Q&A and polling app for conferences and events. Event organizers can set up a event in less than one minute while participants need just a simple event code to join the conversation.
Join in the conversation at the event you’re attending. Download app and find your event by simply inserting the event code.
With, you can:
- Send questions to speakers and panelists
- Upvote the best questions
- Participate in live polls
- Send tweets with the event hashtag
- Easily browse the event agenda
- Create you personalized event schedule
- Network with other delegates
What is is an interactive Q&A and polling app for conferences and events. Event organizers can set up a event in less than one minute while participants need just a simple event code to join the conversation.
Other Information
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