Skylight TV
Skylight turns your TV into a big-screen photo frame you can email photos to.
Skylight turns your TV into a big-screen photo frame you can email photos to.
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Skylight turns your TV into a big-screen photo frame you can email photos and videos to.
No more clunky TV hacks — we’ve made it effortless, regardless of how tech-savvy you are! Just download our app (it only takes one minute to set up), email photos to your TV, and they appear in seconds. It’s that easy!
You also get access to these advanced features:
-Video. We’re all taking more and more videos of special moments, and Skylight lets you easily play these on your TV.
-Family Sharing. It’s easy to let family members share photos and videos on your TV as well.
-Full Control From Our Mobile App. Use our mobile and web apps to add and delete photos from your TV gallery.
Version History
Last version released 1297 days ago.
Bugfixes and improvements
Bugfixes and new features - albums and gallery!