Drawing Maker
Your intelligent AR drawing helper!!
Your intelligent AR drawing helper!!
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Full description:
"Drawing Maker", a trendsetting AR realistic painting software, transforms you into a magical creator of ideas, allowing you to sketch a splendid world beyond reality with your brush!
[Exclusive AR Sketch Assistant]
📷 Imagine wielding your brush and immediately seeing the objects on the canvas come to life with dimensionality and texture, as if they were within reach. The AR Sketch Assistant serves as a devoted mentor, guiding you every step of the way and helping you create breathtaking masterpieces. 📷
[Massive Material Showcase]
🖼️ Here, you'll find tens of thousands of painting materials, ranging from delicate strokes to bold colors, and from ancient textures to contemporary patterns. Browse and select your favorite materials with ease, adding unique charm to your creations. 🖼️
[Mobile Gallery Scan Painting]
🧩 "Drawing Maker" leverages advanced image recognition technology to accurately capture and extract colors, lines, and textures from photos, converting them into editable painting elements. You can freely combine and adjust these elements according to your preferences and creativity, creating one-of-a-kind painting works. 🧩
Don't hesitate any longer! Click to download "Drawing Maker” now, unleash your imagination, and create your own painting legend. Let every stroke become an eternal classic, and every painting a masterpiece of yours!
Version History
Last version released 311 days ago.
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