PB Tech
Shop online or in store to view our wide range of technology products.
Shop online or in store to view our wide range of technology products.
Total Ratings
Browse from our wide range of quality products including Computers & Tablets, PC Peripherals, PC Parts, Networking, Printing & Office, Software & Games, Phones & GPS, TV, Video & Audio, Cameras & Drones, Printers, Toys and more.
Stay up to date with all our latest promotions and specials on the go and save your favourite products to a list for later. Sign in to the app using your existing PB Tech account for a quicker checkout process. Using the built-in barcode scanner, you can check the price of a product in store at a click of a button.
- Shop from PB Tech's full range of products from a single app
- Search for a specific product to check for stock availability and read reviews
- Scan a product's QR code or barcode using the built-in scanner to quickly find what you are looking for
- Buy with confidence using our quick and secure checkout
- Keep track of the latest promotions and deals on offer
- Create an account to save multiple addresses, create lists and more
- View the status of your recent orders from your My Account dashboard
- Find the nearest PB Tech store near you
- All store information available for viewing offline
Version History
Releasing updates every 4 months on average. Last update 132 days ago.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' option found under 'Settings' in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' option found under 'Settings' in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' option found under 'Settings' in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' option found under 'Settings' in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which include some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' option found under 'Settings' in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which includes a new search predictions feature designed to make it faster to complete searches that you're beginning to type. Start searching on PB Tech today!
We've also included further improvements with a performance increase, overall better device support, stability fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which include stability fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which include some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with an updated barcode scanner.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements to improve the performance of the app.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with new notification settings and the ability to tailor push notifications you would like to receive.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which include some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with a new user interface, including an improved navigation menu with commonly used features in the forefront to provide you with a seamless shopping experience and the ability to search by voice.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with an updated sign in and register page.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with improved performance and enhancements.
Improved support for Android Oreo.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with improved performance and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with an updated home page and new search features.
- Book a service job directly from the home page
- Quickly start a search from a list of your recent searches
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update with a new home page and updated offline functionality. You will be able to view store and contact information and other pages without an internet connection.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' found in the app.
Enjoy our latest update which includes some minor fixes and enhancements.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' menu option found in the 'More' tab.
Enjoy our latest update with a new user interface, including an improved navigation menu with commonly used features in the forefront to provide you with a seamless shopping experience.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' menu option found in the 'More' tab.
Enjoy our latest update with a new user interface, including an improved navigation menu with commonly used features in the forefront to provide you with a seamless shopping experience.
We've also included some minor fixes and enhancements in this update.
Your feedback is important to us. You can send us any feedback or comments using the 'App Feedback' menu option found in the 'More' tab.
* Ability to share a product link
* Updated app menu
* Improved notifications page
* Performance updates
* Minor interface updates
* Improved menu interface
* Minor updates
* New and improved user interface
* New sign in feature using your existing PB Tech account
* Improved barcode scanner
* Improved offline functionality
* New App Feedback menu option
* Minor fixes
* New and improved user interface
* New sign in feature using your existing PB Tech account
* Improved barcode scanner
* Improved offline functionality
Store Info Change
Store Details Updated - New PBTech store in Tauranga!
Sale and App Only Deal Notifications!
Material Design & Store Information updated.
Connectivity Improved.
Link to Privacy Policy added.
Sale and App Only Deal Notifications!
Material Design & Store Information updated.
Sale and App Only Deal Notifications!
Material Design & Store Information updated.
Other Information
Show Details