Digital Tasbeeh Counter
Count and save your dhikr that digital Smart Tasbeeh Counter.
Count and save your dhikr that digital Smart Tasbeeh Counter.
Total Ratings
You can save your tesbihat with smart dhikr application which is designed as real tasbeeh counter that looks like a ring. You can use the mobile dhikr application for the names of ALLAH (c.c), Salat-ı Tefriciye and for Salaah Tesbihat. Tasbeeh application will record your all dhikrs.
Even you close Digital Tasbeeh Counter, the number of the dhikr will not erased. When you restart the aplication, the dhikr number will appear on the screen. You should press the button to pulse the number.
You can save your dhikrs as the number of dhikrs, date and the name of the dhikrs to press the save button. You don 't have to check the screen, because digital tasbeeh counter app will give you vibration warning. Digital Tasbeeh Counter has three buttons basically: counter button, saving button and pulse button.
You can adjust the vibration or colours from the buttons top on the screen. In addition to save the battary, you can use the application on night mode. Digital Tasbeeh Counter is free and you won't see any advertisement during dhikr.
✔ Even you close the aplication, you never loose the numbers of the dhikrs untill you press the pulse button.
✔ You can save your all dhikrs with the names and dates.
✔ You can customize Digital Tasbeeh Counter with themes.
✔ The application will save the energy by the help of night mode option.
✔ You can dhikr with out check the screen by the help of vibration (you can close the vibration).
✔ You can check your ex dhikrs by name, date and numbers.
Version History
Last version released 122 days ago.
- Bug fixes.
- Performance improvements.
Improvements for data protection and privacy policy.
★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Bugs fixed.
Minor bugs fixed
The feature for continue dhikr.
Minor bugs fixed
New theme options
Minor bugs fixed
Minor bugs fixed
Minor bugs fixed
Other Information
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