Get yourself a Tello to find out just how awesome flying can be!
Get yourself a Tello to find out just how awesome flying can be!
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Feel the Fun!
We set out to build the most fun drone ever, and we came up with Tello: an impressive little drone for kids and adults that’s a blast to fly and helps users learn about drones with coding education. Get yourself a Tello to find out just how awesome flying can be!
-Tello App
Getting started is extra easy with the Tello app’s friendly UI.
- Throw & Go
Start flying by simply tossing Tello into the air.
- 8D Flips
Slide on screen to perform cool aerial stunts.
-Bounce Mode
Tello flies up and down from your hand automatically.
-EZ Shots
Record coordinated short videos with Circle, 360, and Up & Away.
-Electronic Image Stabilization
Capture consistently clear images.
-VR Headset Compatibility
Fly with a breathtaking first-person view.
-720p HD Transmission
-Bluetooth Controller Compatibility
Precise control for unforgettable experiences.
Version History
Last version released 930 days ago.
What's New
- Adds support for Android 13.
- Updated Privacy Policy.
- Optimizes firmware upgrade logic to allow upgrades when the drone's battery is below 50%.
- Fixed the problem of video playback blurry screen.
- Fixed a crash on some phone models.
1.Adds activation for the extention module.
2.Optimizes the update function.
3.Fixes certain issues and optimizes overall app quality.
Bugs fixed
1. Fixes the gray screen issue of mobile devices when playback local photos.
2. UI Adjustment.
3. Bugs fixed.
Fixed the crashing issue for some phone models caused by a third party framework.
1. Fix bugs
Bugs fixed
1.Multiple languages support (Portuguese, Italiano)
Fix bugs.
1.Fix some users failed to download firmware
2. Fix joystick mode bug
3. Multiple languages support (French, Russian, Spanish, German, Korean)
1.Fix bugs
2.Fix some tablets crash
1.Support Japanese language
2.Fix bugs
Fix bugs.
Fix display problems and other bugs.
1. Fix bugs
1.Improved performance.
2.Added game controller diagram.
3.Fix bugs.
Fix bugs
Feel the Fun
Other Information
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