rexx portal App
rexx portal App - your self-service portal to go
rexx portal App - your self-service portal to go
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With the rexx portal app you receive a free trial version for the self-service portal of the rexx suite.
This trial version will be discontinued by 31.12.2022 and then replaced by a modernised app. There is no entitlement to support for the trial version. However, we are happy to receive user feedback in order to continuously optimise the app.
At a glance:
- Extensive self-service functions of the rexx suite on the smartphone.
- Time recording, absences, social media stream, chat, event catalogue, etc.
- Data protection compliant according to DSGVO standard
Translated with (free version)
Version History
Last version released 1353 days ago.
Bug fixes and improvements!
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Support for Android 11 and minor bug fixes
Update sdk version to 29
- Bugfixes & performance optimizations
- Bugfixes & performance optimizations
Possibility for faster registration via QR Code
Bugfixes & performance optimizations
Qr code
Other Information
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