
Company information for QuickSeries employees.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedApr 02, 2019
Store Categories
Applications|Books & Reference

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The QuickConnect app gives QuickSeries employees convenient and streamlined access to company information, news, policies and feedback tools. This app enables employees to stay up to date on company activities in real-time.


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QuickConnect screenshot 5
QuickConnect screenshot 6

Version History

Last version released 1406 days ago.

3.7.0May 20, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and improvements to nearly all its features.

3.6.2Mar 22, 2021

We are working hard to improve our app with every update. This release fixes many bugs and improves the performance of the app.

3.6.1Mar 09, 2021

We are working hard to improve our app with every update. This release fixes many bugs and improves the performance of the app.

3.6.0Dec 15, 2020

This release includes bug fixes and improvements to nearly all its features.

3.3.7Jul 31, 2020

This release includes expanded phone numbers support in the Resources and Live Client Apps modules.

3.3.5May 04, 2020

Bug fixes
UI/UX improvements

3.3.0Feb 06, 2020

In this update, we've improved the user experience of the Resources, Events and Live Client Apps modules, as well as fixed multiple bugs and performance issues.

3.2.1Nov 29, 2019

Bug fixes
UI/UX improvements

3.1.0Aug 22, 2019

This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements and a redesigned user interface.

3.0.0Jun 13, 2019

- UI improvements.
- Improved notifications.
- Fixed eGuide issues.
- Fixed checklist module.
- Fixed library module.

2.4.3May 02, 2019

Bug fixes.

2.4.2Apr 18, 2019

Bug fixes.

LaunchedApr 02, 2019

Other Information