
Cyfa presents fun and cool stickers and stories for everyone.

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsNo
LaunchedAug 28, 2018
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Cyfa Marketplace features stickers from illustrators using unique characters and expressions all in one place for you to choose from. Explore fun sticker packs to find new ways to express yourself the best way possible.

Interesting Stories
Got some leisure time? Discover new and interesting stories by amazing writers and story tellers

Curated Stickers
Sometimes something visual can help you express yourself better than text. We release new and fun curated sticker packs to allow users have fun with their chats and better spice up their conversation.

Cyfa - Creativity Yields Fulfilment Always.


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Version History

Last version released 2383 days ago.

LaunchedAug 28, 2018

Other Information