Animal Puzzles for Kids
Fun animal puzzles for kids and toddlers
Fun animal puzzles for kids and toddlers
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Animal Puzzle for Kids is an fun animal puzzles game for kids and toddlers from ages 1 to 6 featuring 26 cute cartoon animals such as cow, horse, goat, sheep, pig, dog, elephant, giraffe, monkey, lion, dolphin, owl, rhinoceros, zebra, parrot, tiger, turtle and more animals in 30 shape & tangram puzzles !
This is the school edition. The content is the same as the original version, but allows purchase by schools and educational organizations.
When a puzzle is completed kids are rewarded with a variety of fun celebrations and interactions such as balloon popping.
The fun matching activities help toddlers improve visual perception, knowledge of shapes & develop fine motor skills by dragging and dropping puzzle pieces to match their holes. Perfect for toddlers and kids.
• Animal Sounds! (excluding sea animals, giraffe & turtle)
• Kids Safe, please see our Privacy Policy
• Original high quality cartoon art drawn by professional children's book illustrator
• Four different themes: Farm, Jungle, Sea (Underwater) & Savannah
• Automatic advance to the next puzzle
• Three different puzzle styles with increasing difficulty levels
• Interface & touch controls designed for kids
• Press & hold button to limit menu access to parents
We take privacy very seriously, this app:
Does not contain ads
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Does not contain in-app purchases
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Version History
Last version released 199 days ago.
Support for latest device & os
Fixes and updates
Support for latest device & os
Fixes and updates
Support for latest device & os
Fixes and updates
Bug fixes.
Added 64 bit support
Added support for latest devices
App size reduced
Support for latest devices
Bug fixes & compatibility updates
Immersive Full-Screen Mode Support
Bug fixes & compatibility updates
Bug fixes & compatibility updates.