Control and monitor Pentair IntelliCenter Pool & Spa Control Systems
Control and monitor Pentair IntelliCenter Pool & Spa Control Systems
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The IntelliCenter2 app is your connection to effortless pool and spa control from anywhere you are. Connect remotely or locally through the app to monitor your pool and spa status. Control devices, including heaters, lights, pumps, and waterfalls. Monitor your water chemistry or set schedules to automate your experience and more!
For support or feedback, please get in touch with and include your IntelliCenter email address in your message. You can also speak with support by calling 1-800-831-7133.
Version History
Releasing updates every 5 months on average. Last update 139 days ago.
The IntelliCenter2 app is no longer supported as of November 2024. Download the Pentair Home App and log in with your IntelliCenter2 email to access your IntelliCenter.
Bugs fixes and performance improvements were made to the following areas:
Chemistry output values
UltraTemp pool heater display
Air temp metric display
Pump speed display
Salt value display
Spa side remote
Local mode password authentication
Salt level adjustment
User management
Weather display in local mode
Vacation mode
Schedule functionality
Bug fixes
Progress wheel remained spinning if all data was not received on some systems.
Chemistry Salt reading not showing on some configurations.
Bug fixes.
Support for large systems.
Bug fixes.
Fixed below issues reported in 6.6.
On some systems,
Connections screen AutoConnect failed.
Schedule config screen update/create schedule failed.
Configuration screens could not update.
Other Information
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