pedicure and a manicure

Doing pedicures and manicures at home

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsYes
LaunchedJul 23, 2022
Store Categories

Total Ratings

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Application features:
Contains the difference between a pedicure and a manicure
Pedicure and manicure tools
Doing pedicures and manicures at home
And pictures of manicure nails are very special
Small application size for Android devices
The content is periodically updated online
Don't forget to download our pedicure and manicure app


pedicure and a manicure screenshot 1
pedicure and a manicure screenshot 2
pedicure and a manicure screenshot 3

Version History

Last version released 943 days ago.

LaunchedJul 23, 2022

Other Information