Pastest UKCAT
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Download the Pastest UKCAT app to study for the test anytime, anywhere. Pastest has over 40 years' experience of and expertise in providing revision materials that enable medical students and doctors to achieve exam success.
The Pastest UKCAT app is designed with your convenience in mind, so whether you’re commuting or have a spare 10 minutes between classes, the Pastest UKCAT app will help you to fit your revision around your study schedule.
The app provides access to the following features (Pastest online subscription required):
Test Me
· Download UKCAT questions from your subscription to revise online and offline
· Practise against the clock with mock exams and timed tests
· Use the ‘continue previous session’ option to pick up from where you left off last time you used the app
- Use the filters to focus your practice on each UKCAT sub-test marked in the real exam (Verbal Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Situational Judgement)
Track Me
· Focus your revision based on your performance
· Benchmark yourself against your peers
Once downloaded to the app, questions can be accessed offline. Your question performance will synchronise with your Pastest account when your device is online.
Version History
Last version released 3140 days ago.
Minor question format enhancement.