
Study for your medical exams anytime, anywhere with the Pastest app.

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LaunchedFeb 09, 2016
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Download the innovative Pastest app to study for your medical exams anytime, anywhere. Pastest has many decades of experience and expertise in providing test prep materials that enable medical students and doctors to achieve exam success.

The Pastest app is designed with your convenience in mind, so whether you’re commuting to work or have a spare 10 minutes between class, the Pastest app will help you to fit your prep around a busy schedule.

The app provides access to the following features (Pastest online subscription required):

· Download questions to answer offline
· Timed tests
· ‘Continue previous session’ to pick up where you left off
· Expert media
· Detailed performance dashboard

The app is available for the following Pastest online subscriptions:

· USMLE Step 1
· USMLE Step 2 CK
· Med Student Finals, OSCEs, SJTs and Prescribing Skills
· MRCP Part 1
· MRCP Part 2
· MRCS Part A
· Dentistry
· Primary FRCA (MCQ)

Once downloaded to the app, questions and media can be accessed offline. Your question performance will synchronise with your Pastest account when your device is back online.


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Version History

Last version released 1679 days ago.

3.0.34Aug 11, 2020

New features:
- External Links *
- Expanded Explanations - detailed topic summaries after questions. *

General bug fixes and layout changes:
- Fixed a bug that affected first use of podcasts.
- Improved and standardised fonts.

* Feature not available in all subscriptions.

3.0.26Aug 06, 2020

New features:
- Expanded Explanations - detailed topic summaries after questions. *

General bug fixes and layout changes:
- Fixed a bug that affected first use of podcasts.
- Improved and standardised fonts.

* Feature not available in all subscriptions.

3.0.17Apr 23, 2020

New features:
- Review Previous Sessions. *
- Hint button - highlight contextual clues prior to answering the question.

- Fixed freezing issue when viewing Tagged Questions.
- Improved navigation and reliability of podcast/video filters.
- Improved and standardised layout of questions.
- Fixed spacing around superscript/subscript text.

Improved performance and Android 10 compatability.

* Feature may not be available in all subscriptions.

3.0.3Jun 06, 2019

Past Papers have been enabled*
Podcast playback and control has been improved
Offline Media playback has been improved

* Feature may not be available in all subscriptions

2.0.6Jun 03, 2019

Updated version includes the ability to enter search terms to filter the Qbank, reset your performance history and bug fixes.

1.1.6Nov 14, 2017

Includes our new Reorder Question Responses feature to randomly position the answers and ensure you always revise effectively.
Fixed issue with status bar overlays navigation buttons.

1.1.4Oct 09, 2017

Added support for contextual clues.

1.0.12Mar 30, 2017

Enhanced Qbank feedback and ratings features.

1.0.11Mar 06, 2017

Mock Exams now match the exam breakdown in the Pastest Website.

1.0.10Jan 23, 2017

Improved formatting and bug fixes.

1.0.1Aug 12, 2016

Improved formatting of Multiple True/False (MTF) questions.

1.0.0Jun 23, 2016

Bug fixes and performance enhancements.

0.10.20Feb 16, 2016

LaunchedFeb 09, 2016

Other Information