Where is my OBD2 port?
You can't find the OBD socket in your car? Use our search engine to locate it!
You can't find the OBD socket in your car? Use our search engine to locate it!
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You can't find the OBD2 diagnostic socket in your car? Use our search engine to locate your OBD connector!
The norm states that the OBD port must be the vehicle cabin but depending on the make and model, it may or may not be easy to locate...
With our app "Where is my OBD2 port? Find it !" you can easily find yours and diagnose your vehicle.
More than 800 different cars in the app : Thanks for your collaboration!
The aim of this app is to be collaborative and to help users find their OBD socket. If your vehicle is not yet in the list and you know where the OBD connector is located, do not hesitate to send photos via the " send photos " option of the application. It will help many users.
We already have more than 500 different vehicles in our database including the following makes:
- Ford,
- Chevrolet
- Renault
- Peugeot
- Citroen
- Audi
- Volkswagen
- Opel
- Toyota
- Dacia,
- etc,...
Version History
Last version released 368 days ago.
- Add new pictures and new vehicles
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- Add new brands
- New design for brand logos
- Support for Android 13
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- Add new brands
- New design for brand logos
- Support for Android 13
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- New design for brand logos
- Support for Android 13
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- Fix minor issues
- Update for Android 12
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- Update for Android 12
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- Update for Android 11
PS: We regularly add new data without the application needing to be updated. If your vehicle is not listed in the application, please submit your photos
- Optimizations
- Add new make/brand
PS:We are working on new category : Truck / Tractors / Moto. Do not hesitate to send us picture of those vehcile
- Optimizations
- Add new make/brand
PS:We are working on new category : Truck / Tractors / Moto. Do not hesitate to send us picture of those vehcile
- Support for Android 10
- Add new make/brand
- Add new make/brand
PS:We are working on new category : Truck / Tractors / Moto. Do not hesitate to send us picture of those vehcile
- Add pictures for the new make/brand
- Improvement for german langage
PS:We are working on new category : Truck / Tractors / Moto. Do not hesitate to send us picture of those vehcile
- Update for Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Solve issue with submitter counrty flag
- Add pictures for the new make/brand
PS:We are working on new category : Truck / Tractors / Moto. Do not hesitate to send us picture of those vehcile
We are working on new category : Truck / Tractors / Moto. Do not hesitate to send us picture of those vehcile
- Solve an issue and improve submission wizard
- Solve issue with Android 8.0
- New illustrations for submission wizard
- New illustrations for submission wizard
- Improve submission wizard with illustrations
- Solve display issue with mdpi/hdpi screen resolution
- Solve issue with russian langage
- Solve issue with arabic text
- New design of the app
- Add search function for make/model selection
- Add zoom on picture (pinch on the picture)
Solve issue “Error during data acquisition”
Solve issue “Error during data acquisition”
Solve the issue when displaying pictures
Solve an issue when sending new pictures of OBD socket with application
Fix an issue when loading OBD port location pictures
Reviewed and tested for Android 6.0, 7.0 and 7.1