Red Alert (Star Trek)
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A live wallpaper imitating the Star Trek Red Alert signal.
This is the free version which contains no adds or timelimits but a limited functionality (no Alert Events). More options and more frequent updates can be found in the full version.
Version History
Last version released 2954 days ago.
- Added a new indicator bar: "Network Usage". It will show you when your device is sending/receiving data and how fast.
- Temperature and Signal indicator bars and custom alert sounds are now available in the free version
- Fixed the picture as background feature which was broken with new versions of Google Photo
- Implemented new Android 6.0+ permission model, requesting permissions at runtime when they are needed and allowing to safely revoke them.
- Added Gray Alert, which will be active when you set your phone to Silent/Priority Interruptions mode. You can customize when to show Green, Blue or Gray alert and on which to show the wallpaper image (if you have set one)
- Due to many users having problems setting up the wallpaper, this app has now a launcher icon, which will open the settings and offer you to set it as wallpaper if you haven't done so already