One UI Chronus Weather Icons
This is a One UI Style weather icon set to be applied to Chronus.
This is a One UI Style weather icon set to be applied to Chronus.
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One UI is an add-in Weather Icon Set for Chronus, Crius and the CyanogenMod's cLock Home & Lock Screen Widget.
1. Chronus Weather Icons - OneUI theme isn't a standalone weather widget, make sure you have Chronus/Crius/cLock installed.
2. This theme is only supported on OS 3.4 and later.
Chronus: Home & Lock Widget can be found at Play Store. All credit goes to DvTonder for his great widget.
Version History
Last version released 2067 days ago.
1.1Jul 31, 2019
LaunchedDec 12, 2018