The latest news and weather from KESQ NewsChannel 3
The latest news and weather from KESQ NewsChannel 3
Total Ratings
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
Version History
Last version released 207 days ago.
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.
• Bug fixes and performance improvements.
• bug fixes and performance improvements.
• bug fixes and performance improvements.
Updated weather and minor fixes.
• Article feature videos can now be played in-place. You can also scroll thru the story while the video is playing.
• You can now choose to auto-play article videos when on WiFi
• If you like, we'll mute autoplayed videos by default
• New custom channel sound for notifications
• New redesigned alert bars with more features
• Other minor updates and fixes
Minor updates and fixes
Minor updates and fixes
Minor updates and fixes
Minor updates and fixes
Minor updates and fixes.
Minor updates and bug fixes.
WEATHER: Enhanced Forecast and Maps section to provide Satellite Weather maps.
ENHANCED PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: It will show an image or video in the notification bar.
Completely updated User Interface. Nicer reading and viewing experience.
Minor Bug fixes and updates
Developer Updates
Minor Bug fixes and updates
Branding Updates
Minor Bug Fix
Developer update and performance enhancements
Completely new design and user experience!
- Developer Update
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
The Desert's breaking news leader, is now available for use on your phone. is the area's authority for breaking news and weather updates.
NewsChannel 3's First Alert weather team will keep you informed of changing weather conditions, forecasts, and weather updates.
Other Information
Show Details