Companion for Black Desert MMORPG
Companion for Black Desert MMORPG
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This is a fan-made companion app for Black Desert Online, the MMORPG
this companion will be helpful if you are a beginner, casual or a pro in the game
due to all the necessary tools that are in this app.
* Central Market access for NA/EU and MENA servers
* Cooking and Alchemy calculator and EXP
* World map and Boss timer
* Enhance calculator and simulation
* Horse calculator
* Scrolls profit
* Imperial cooking and alchemy
* and much more like
- Most useful BDO websites
- YT guides for BDO book quests
- YT most useful channels and BDO gamers
- BDO updates and news
- Redeem coupon section
- BDO TV live!
all that and more coming soon in one place "crafted" just for you.
I'm Mohamed AKA TheNOVO @ii5i999 everywhere
if you have any suggestion about the app, what's next to add, or found any bugs, please email me.
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Version History
Last version released 1063 days ago.
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