Bucket Color Ball Challenge
Bucket Ball Challenge is fun game for all crazy people.
Bucket Ball Challenge is fun game for all crazy people.
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- This Game helps you and your child learn to distinguish between different colors.
How To Play :
-Tap right/left once to move bucket one step right or left
-Just press the arrow to move it to the center of the screen according to the color of the falling ball.
-If you catch the wrong ball in Bucket then Game Over.
- It's an amazing game.
- Easy to play.
- Supports phones and tablets
- Endless game play.
- Colorful graphics design.
- Develop motor skills.
Tell us about your experience and please rate our app and post a comment.
If you have any questions, please email us.
Good Luck!
Version History
Last version released 1374 days ago.
Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes
Improve performance
-New Design Changes.
-Bug Fixes.
Improve performance.