KATC provides continuous news coverage for Acadiana.
KATC provides continuous news coverage for Acadiana.
Total Ratings
KATC News gives you up-to-the-minute local news, breaking news alerts, 24/7 live streaming video, accurate weather forecasts, severe weather updates, and in-depth investigations from the local news station you know and trust.
Connect to your community through our local news app. We're celebrating what makes our community great, giving you context to understand local issues and sharing solutions to help you solve problems.
• Get up-to-the-minute breaking news alerts and stories.
• Tap 'Top News' to read the most important news of the day as curated by our local news teams.
• Tap 'Most Recent' to read the news stories published most recently.
• Get full support for Dark Mode and Light Mode based on your device preference.
• Watch our 24/7 live streaming news channel.
• Watch video on demand clips from recent newscasts.
• You're in control over what you want to watch and when.
• Get daily video weather updates from your trusted local weather team.
• Stay up to date with hourly and daily weather forecasts.
• View interactive weather radar to help you track rain, snow and storms.
• Get weather conditions and forecasts for your location.
We're committed to continually improving your experience in our app. Please let us know how we're doing by leaving a review in the Google Play Store.
Version History
Releasing updates every about 2 months on average. Last update 71 days ago.
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
Our new 7.0 app gives you all the breaking news, weather, and investigations from the station you know and trust.
- Choose "Top News" to see the most important news or "Most Recent" for stories published most recently.
- Watch 24/7 live news stream video in our new "Watch" tab.
- Choose to use the app in Light Mode or Dark Mode.
We’re excited to see the new mobile app in action and hope you are too. Have feedback on the new design? Let us know in the app by going to Tools > Contact Support.
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This is a hot fix that resolves an unexpected issue in the previous app release, which caused the app to sometimes not open after tapping a push notification.
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This release includes some maintenance items to improve your overall news experience. Thanks for supporting local journalism!
This is a hot fix that resolves an unexpected issue in the previous app release, which caused the app to crash on launch in the version 6.31.1 app.
Thanks for supporting local journalism! This release includes maintenance items to improve your overall news experience.
Thanks for supporting local journalism! This release includes maintenance items to improve your overall news experience.
Thanks for supporting local journalism! This release includes maintenance items to improve your overall news experience.
Thanks for supporting local journalism! This release includes maintenance items to improve your overall news experience.
Thanks for supporting local journalism! This release includes maintenance items and performance improvements to improve your overall news experience.
• New weather radar map from our weather provider is in this app update, as our weather provider will discontinue the old radar map in the near future. To upgrade the new radar map, we had to update the app's code base to support newer Android phones and modern Android operating system versions. As a result, it's possible there could be some older Android devices that may have trouble running this updated app.
• Misc bug fixes and performance improvements are included in this release.
• New weather radar map from our weather provider is in this app update, as our weather provider will discontinue the old radar map in the near future. To upgrade the new radar map, we had to update the app's code base to support newer Android phones and modern Android operating system versions. As a result, it's possible there could be some older Android devices that may have trouble running this updated app.
• Misc bug fixes and performance improvements are included in this release.
• New weather radar map from our weather provider is in this app update, as our weather provider will discontinue the old radar map in the near future. To upgrade the new radar map, we had to update the app's code base to support newer Android phones and modern Android operating system versions. As a result, it's possible there could be some older Android devices that may have trouble running this updated app.
• Misc bug fixes and performance improvements are included in this release.
We've added some minor performance improvements in this release.
We've added some minor performance improvements in this release.
Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Our mobile app has a brand new look and feel!
You''ll still get up-to-the-minute breaking news, accurate weather and in-depth investigations, but in a new package. We've spent months talking with readers and viewers to understand what's most important. This new design is a direct result of that feedback.
The new design brings a bold, fresh focus to the biggest news of the day, with spotlights the day's top stories so you can see what's important at a glance in your mobile app.
Minor updates and fixes.
Completely redesigned User Interface with simplified navigation.
Updates & Improvements:
Updated UX for loading more content in a Category Page - now the loading spinner appears in-line, below the oldest piece of content, matching Android’s Material Design best practices
Now users can pull-to-refresh the Weather page and after 15 minutes since the Weather page data will automatically refresh to make sure users see fresh data
Performance & Stability:
Fixed the top crash issues identified via our technical performance monitoring tool
NEW in this release:
• Under-the-hood performance improvements
NEW in this release:
• Lots of bug fixes and under-the-hood performance improvements!
NEW in this release:
• Lots of bug fixes and under-the-hood performance improvements!
NEW in this release:
• Lots of bug fixes and under-the-hood performance improvements!
NEW in this release:
• Fixed a bug that took many users to the wrong Article
• Fixed another bug that allowed the screen to sleep while watching a video
• Android 7.1 users - Use App Shortcuts for the Weather page + other key parts of the app
• Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements
NEW in this version:
• [NEW] Get severe weather alerts in your area as soon as you open the app - Warnings, Watches, and Advisories are separated so you can easily see the most important information
• Many small improvements to the user experience for Slideshows and Articles
• Many bug fixes and performance improvements
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
FIXED! Crash bug that was affecting some users.
New Features!
• [Coming Soon] Tune in Live - Live video will play when you open the app
• Many bug fixes and performance improvements
• Shiny, new icon in push notifications
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
FIXED! Crash bug that was affecting some users.
New Features!
• [Coming Soon] Tune in Live - Live video will play when you open the app
• Many bug fixes and performance improvements
• Shiny, new icon in push notifications
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
FIXED! Crash bug that was affecting some users.
New Features!
* [Coming Soon] Tune in Live - Live video will play when you open the app
* Many bug fixes and performance improvements
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
New Features!
* [Coming Soon] Tune in Live - Live video will play when you open the app
* Many bug fixes and performance improvements
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
Welcome to the brand new app for KATC news! We update the KATC news app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available features and improvements. Thanks for trusting the KATC app as your key source for news, weather, and sports in Acadiana!
KATC provides Continuous News Coverage for Acadiana. When you're on the go, take KATC with you! The easily navigated design allows you to browse news, weather, sports and more with the touch of your finger - all in the palm of your hand.
- Continuous Local News Coverage
- The latest Local News and Weather forecast video
- Power Doppler 3000
Whenever news breaks, wherever you are - KATC gives you an all-access pass to what's happening in Acadiana.
KATC provides Continuous News Coverage for Acadiana. When you're on the go, take KATC with you! The easily navigated design allows you to browse news, weather, sports and more with the touch of your finger - all in the palm of your hand.
- Continuous Local News Coverage
- The latest Local News and Weather forecast video
- Power Doppler 3000
Whenever news breaks, wherever you are - KATC gives you an all-access pass to what's happening in Acadiana.
KATC provides Continuous News Coverage for Acadiana. When you're on the go, take KATC with you! The easily navigated design allows you to browse news, weather, sports and more with the touch of your finger - all in the palm of your hand.
- Continuous Local News Coverage
- The latest Local News and Weather forecast video
- Power Doppler 3000
Whenever news breaks, wherever you are - KATC gives you an all-access pass to what's happening in Acadiana.
KATC provides Continuous News Coverage for Acadiana. When you're on the go, take KATC with you! The easily navigated design allows you to browse news, weather, sports and more with the touch of your finger - all in the palm of your hand.
- Continuous Local News Coverage
- The latest Local News and Weather forecast video
- Power Doppler 3000
Whenever news breaks, wherever you are - KATC gives you an all-access pass to what's happening in Acadiana.
KATC provides Continuous News Coverage for Acadiana. When you're on the go, take KATC with you! The easily navigated design allows you to browse news, weather, sports and more with the touch of your finger - all in the palm of your hand.
- Continuous Local News Coverage
- The latest Local News and Weather forecast video
- Power Doppler 3000
Whenever news breaks, wherever you are - KATC gives you an all-access pass to what's happening in Acadiana.
Other Information
Show Details