Bizzy Girls
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Download the digital destination for everything Bizzy Girls! We upload our videos, arts, crafts and more so that no matter where you are you can stay connected.
Bizzy Girls programs are offered through out the country, focusing on skill building, friendship and development.
Using a unique system, the programs teach entrepreneurship to girls ages 7 to 14. This includes developing a product line and learning the skills needed to market and sell their products. Girls create a pop up store at the end of their session, sell their products at our regional fairs and through other venues.
Other programs we offer are social entrepreneurship (starting charitable causes), video production and other skills to help girls have the tools to obtain their goals.
The Bizzy Girls brand caters to todays teens and tweens, empowered, capable, taking control of their futures and changing the world.
Version History
Last version released 3110 days ago.
New landing page. New logo!