Old T9 Keyboard
Old keyboard layout like in feature phones with T9 predictive text input
Old keyboard layout like in feature phones with T9 predictive text input
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Who needs the old T9 keyboard do you say? The T9 keypad is still relevant for smartphones with small screens. Typing on a T9 keyboard is fast and more accurate because of the large buttons and 9 simple grids. Long time users of the old T9 keyboard can still type out an SMS with their eyes closed. You can also type with just one hand, can you say that of a full keyboard? People with large fingers will find the Old T9 keyboard, a God send. The large keyboard layout and big buttons on the old keyboard makes typing easy for people with big fingers.
The Old T9 keyboard also features a predictive word suggestions or predictive text, just like on the old feature phones, so typing is fast and takes lesser clicks. The Old keyboard also learns new words that you type and are not part of the original dictionary and provides the word as suggestion the next time you hit the same sequence of keys.
You also get a full fledged emoji keyboard with hundreds of emojis on the Old T9 keyboard.
With the old keyboard, you also get 'Voice input' using the inbuilt voice assistant on the device.
We have also added recently many keyboard themes in the old keyboard so that you can choose a look that suits your device.
The old keyboard features a full fledged symbols layout so that your can type any symbol you want easily.
The old keyboard also features a clipboard paste key, to paste from clipboard with just a key press.
We support typing in the following languages in the old keyboard
English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish,
Hungarian, Portuguese(Brazilian), Czech, Arabic, Filipino(Tagalog), Polish(Polski) , Dutch, Danish, Indonesian, Finnish, Swedish, Greek, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Malay, Norwegian and Hinglish language.
The Old T9 Keyboard also has features like keyboard height resizing, vibration and sounds on key press.
Keyboard for Seniors
The old t9 keyboard, is also a great keyboard for seniors, because with its alphabetical layout instead of QWERTY, it is the easiest keyboard for seniors to learn. Each key holds three characters and hence it is much easier keyboard for seniors to type on. Many seniors, would have used the t9 keyboard before they migrated to a smartphone, so it offers seniors a seamless transition to a smartphone, with the same great 3x4 keyboard seniors typed on before.
Since each key is much wider occupying almost 1/3rd of the screen, it is the best keyboard for seniors to type on with minimal errors. With keyboard resizing in Settings, the height of the keyboard for seniors can be resized to suit each seniors' preferences.
With the clipboard, voice input and emojis thoughtfully placed at the top of the screen for ease of access, it is the best keyboard for seniors.
The keys are big but the fonts are not embarrassingly huge to suggest all seniors are visually impaired and hence it is a more thoughtful layout and keyboard for seniors.
Version History
Releasing updates every 20 days on average. Last update 124 days ago.
New option in Settings to add words to dictionary, making it easier to add any kind of new words, even emails and websites to the dictionary.
Bug fixes
Added Hinglish Language support for all users in India.
A bug in Android 14 which caused a black bar to appear sometimes, has been fixed.
Now in Firefox and Chrome search window the input mode will not be AB, but whatever has been set in the Settings.
Targets API 34
Users can now add acronyms with all caps letters to dictionary.
New key icons to make the keyboard look nicer
Four more, colorful themes.
1. A couple of bug fixes
2. An option in menu to share the app with others.
Now set the keyboard width and its alignment (Right,Left,Center). This is an incredibly useful feature for one handed typing. Makes it super easy to type with one hand.
Now the keyboard resizes itself better when in landscape mode.
1. For dumbphone users Symbols is also added as another tab in the emoji popup, so that users can easily select symbols using just the DPAD navigation keys.
2. New feature that allows people to import words from the 'personal dictionary' on the device to the app dictionary. We currently don't support adding any words that are added in the section 'All languages' of personal dictionary.
3. New option 'AutoClose Emoji', that closes emoji popup as soon as a emoji is clicked.
1. Bug that caused hints to appear on some keys in QWERTY keyboard fixed
2. Increased the duration of vibration of the spacebar key, so that it is easily felt by user when spacebar is pressed and acts to reassure that the correct key was pressed.
3. With vibration enabled, if delete key was kept pressed, every repeat event would cause a vibration. This is now fixed. It vibrates only once even if user keeps the key pressed.
4. Added numbers row in qwerty keyboard, because user requested it.
Now express yourself fully with all the latest emoji (emoji standard version 15.1 released September 2023)
1. Users with keypad phones like the CAT S22 Flip and Duoqin F22 Pro, can now long press on the * key to open/close the emoji popup. The DPAD direction keys can be used to scroll through the emoji and select any emoji using the DPAD center key.
2. New option in Settings that allows to turn on/off Autocapitalization of sentences.
3. Added apostrophe for 1 key in some languages where it was missing.
4. The 1 key now also denotes the apostrophe
5. Fix voice input crash on some phones
1. Fixed a crash happening to a few users on old devices, when voice input is used.
2. Added a slide to show users how to enter words with apostrophes
3. Changed the grouping of the diacritics to come after the normal alphabets
Added Norwegian language
Bug fix for back button not working on some phones.
Faster typing experience.
Some bug fixes.
1. When 'Hide alpha-numeric keys' was enabled some languages didn't show the correct icon on the spacebar. This fixes it.
2. Added a enter key to QWERTY keyboard
3. Removed black suggestions bar when in AB mode for Android level 12 and below.
4. Changes to some language's dictionaries
Malay(Melayu) language is now supported.
Users can now see a list of all the Premium Features before buying.
New feature for CAT S22 devices which solves the problem of a malfunctioning keypad which causes multiple key press events on a single key press.
Go to Settings and enable 'Multi-press solution' if you have such a device.
Updates for a more stable app.
Refined the Hungarian, Swedish and Polish dictionaries.
Fixes for some ANR issues.
Refined the Czech language dictionary.
Fixes for some ANRs
Refined the dictionaries of Nederlands(Dutch), Italian, Portuguese and Indonesian languages.
Refined the Turkish and French dictionaries.
1. Suggestions bar is always shown so that the UI doesn't jump up and down when it is hidden and then shown.
2. Added an option to change the vibration duration in Settings.
3. Setting to allow user to change the multi-tap delay value
A more full fledged dictionary for German language added.
1. Better layout for number mode
2. Enhanced Spanish dictionary with many more words included which makes typing easier with T9 prediction. Added the ¿ and ¡ symbols too.
3. New light colored themes added.
4. Delete unwanted words from dictionary from Settings
Link to Tutorial of Key Remapping feature
Updates to fix a crash on some devices
Added support for Greek language.
Better support for CAT S22 Flip device, with the following bugs fixed
for this device
1. Pressing * and # was not inputting these characters in dialer
2. Using the DPAD mid button in Messenger app to select a word suggestion would also send out the message. Now it only selects the word.
3. Pressing space twice was not inputting a full stop
4. Speed dial was not working when this keyboard was enabled
New features
Long press of # can now be used to cycle between the enabled languages
Better support for devices with small screens.
Better support for Cat S22 Flip device
Better UI support for dumbphones
A crash on low resolution display devices when setting the keyboard size to the minimum, is fixed
Updated Billing library
On Android 13 devices sometimes the word suggestions would vanish and never come back. This release fixes the issue.
Changing caps mode, changes the caps of the letters on the keys
A fix for a bug in Suggestions list. Words were not getting selected when scrolling.
1. Bug fix for emoji not opening on longpress in modern layout for Android 9 users.
2. Increased height of Modern layout
3. Fix for a bug which occured in gmail, when users used autocomplete and jumped the cursor, the suggested word would remain in memory and get appended to the next input character.
4. Missing emojis like simple smiley added
A few bug fixes. And better auto capitalization when moving the cursor around a paragraph.
Added Hebrew
Added Swedish(Svenska) language support.
Fixed some crashes and bugs.
Now supports Suomi (Finland) language.
Changes to Modern layout to make it more typing-friendly and compact.
1. Removal of number row. Numbers can be input by longpress of alpha keys.
2. Added a dedicated SYM(symbol) key
3. Voice Input, Emoticons and Clipboard are moved now and can be accessed only by doing a Long-Press of other keys
4. Hints for long-press are now displayed and an option is added in Settings to hide/show hints.
5. Long-press of keys now inputs the appropriate character at a pre-defined time
1. Clipboard now stores all copied text. Allows items to be pinned so
that they stay on the clipboard forever. Otherwise unpinned items are
removed form the clipboard after an hour.
2. Option in setting to disable storing of copied text in Clipboard for privacy.
3. Quick double tap of spacebar now inserts a period. Option in Settings to disable this feature.
New typing-friendly modern layout.
Swipe up to switch to a QWERTY layout, to type words not in dictionary.
Swipe left to switch to the symbols layout
Swipe right to switch the language.
Swipe down to close keyboard.
FAQ in menu for the most commonly asked questions
Numbers row at the top in Modern layout with most often used symbols accessible via long press.
New option in Settings to disable adding space after word automatically.
New typing-friendly modern layout.
Swipe up to switch to a QWERTY layout, to type words not in dictionary.
Swipe left to switch to the symbols layout
Swipe right to switch the language.
Swipe down to close keyboard.
FAQ in menu for the most commonly asked questions
Numbers row at the top in Modern layout with most often used symbols accessible via long press.
Added Dansk (Danish), Dutch(Nederlands) and Indonesia languages.
Polski(Polish) language added.
Filipino (Tagalog) language is now supported.
Bug fix for Arabic Multitap feature, now alphabets shown on the keys are input from right to left by the keyboard.
Arabic language is now supported.
Bug fix for word suggestions not showing on Android 13 devices.
New minimalist black theme.
New feature (Beta version) that lets users remap the keys on their physical keyboard to have a different functionality. Useful on dumb phones or feature phones with a physical keypad like the Qin F21/F22 Pro and CAT S22 Flip.
Bug fix for language not changing when the 'Hide 0-9 keys' setting was enabled.
Better keypad support for phones with hardware keypad.
Better key mapping for Cat S22 Flip phones.
Now support for Portuguese(Brazil), Hungarian(Magyar) and Czech(čeština) languages added.
Crash on Cat S22 Flip device on pressing DPAD button fixed.
Now better support for dumb phones/feature phones with a physical 12-key keypad. The 0-9 keys can be hidden for such phones by going into Settings and enabling 'Hide 0-9 keys'.
Also on these devices, users can now use the right and left DPAD buttons to scroll through the word suggestions.
Türkçe, Turkish language added on request from users in Turkey.
New Feature: Input numbers with long press of keys
New premium themes added.
& is added to symbols layout
Paste from clipboard and Emojis are premium features now.
1.Much better sentence capitalization.
2.In T9 mode, for an input key sequence with no matches, the last key sequence that yielded suggestions is used to show word suggestions.
3.Pressing 0 now inputs a space.
New themes added
Added Spanish language.
Updated dictionaries for languages.
Fixed some bugs.
Added Support for new languages
1. German
2. Italian
3. French
4. Russian
5. Ukrainian
Bug fix for caps lock key not showing the current caps mode.
New feature 'Voice Input' key added to keyboard.
Now you can input text without typing. Just speak to input text.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed a crash happening on some devices due to Clipboard paste
1. Now a new 'clipboard' key has been added, so that you can paste anything from clipboard easily into a text field.
2. New option in Settings, that allows you to resize the keyboard height according to your needs.
Fixed some crashes and bugs
Based on user feedback moved the backspace key
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