Equip Exposition
Equip Exposition is the one trade show where you can “test before you invest".
Equip Exposition is the one trade show where you can “test before you invest".
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Equip Exposition is the experience of the year for the outdoor living, landscape and power equipment industry.
It’s the industry’s proving ground. The one trade show where you can “test before you invest” in new products, innovations and even ideas for your business. Talk to the minds behind the products and tech—then walk outside to the 30-Acre Demo Yard to try it out. Add the education sessions, entertainment and networking, it’s basically where you’ll find the future of the business, right in Louisville.
Version History
Last version released 250 days ago.
Many updates and improvements for attendees of the 2024 show!
Adds new database and embedded imagery to reduce sync size for attendees of the 2022 show!
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