Monster Math Duel: Fun arithme
Addition,subtraction,times tables,division,fractions - superior math flash cards
Addition,subtraction,times tables,division,fractions - superior math flash cards
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Arithmetic practice - Addition, Subtraction, Times tables, division and fractions – are all fun with the math fight game, Monster Math Duel!
Arithmetic fluency requires lots of practice and drills. Fun math games like Monster Math Duel make it more engaging for kids. Duel is much more engaging than flash cards or apps using flash card format.
From shapes (both 3d and 2d) for younger kids, to decimals for grade 5 kids, this math combat game is fun and challenging for kids from KG to Grade 5.
Monster Math Duel sports a fun multiplayer game format with 4 different modes – all designed to engage kids while they do arithmetic!
The math battles are fully customizable – you can select the arithmetic skills suited to your child’s aptitude, moving between basic and advanced skills as needed.
A unique feature - kids of different grades can compete with each other, each getting problems suited for their own grade. Even parents can play with their kids and get harder problems for themselves so that the game is fair to younger players.
Kids will practice all arithmetic facts from Grade K to 5th, play against their friends, all while getting better and quicker at mental math!
Duel Features:
Multiplayer Modes
• Nearby Mode – defeat other kids using math over WiFi and Bluetooth
• Split Screen Mode – Battle across different worlds and challenge other kids in fun split-screen games.
Note that split screen mode is only available in tablets.
• Computer Battle Mode – Test your child’s math skills against self-adjusting difficulty levels with computer monsters
• Progress Reports – Get detailed granular report detailing progress made by your kids directly to your email address.
Math Skills Covered:
Addition and Subtraction:
• Addition within 5
• Addition within 10
• Addition within 20
• Addition without carry within 100
• Addition without carry within 1000
• Addition within 100 with multiples of 10
• Subtraction within 5
• Subtraction within 10
• Subtraction within 20
• Subtraction without borrow within 100
• Subtraction without borrow within 1000
• Subtraction within 100 with multiples of 10
Multiplication Facts Practice and Multiplication Tables:
• Multiplication tables of 1- 12
• Multiplication with multiples of 10
• Multiply one digit number with 10,20,30 to 90
Division Tables
• Division tables from 1 to 12
• Better and more fun way for kids to practice than Division Flashcards
• 2d & 3d Shape recognition
• Differentiate Open and Closed Shapes
• Symmetrical Shapes
• Shapes with equal sides
• Equal parts
• Simple fractions
• Compare fractions
• Halves, Thirds and Fourths
• Whole numbers as Fractions
• Visual representation of Fractions
• Decimal to Fractions
• Fractions to Decimals
Duel offers multiplayer, math fight practice games for kids to improve homework and math scores, along with a unique adjusted-multiplayer format that makes it fair for younger kids to play with older players. Bouts with Duel are designed to be faster and more thorough math practice than any other technique!
Download today and find out why kids and parents love Duel!
Monster Math Duel concentrates on Common Core Standards: K.G.2, K.G.3, K.G.4, K.OA.5, 1.G.1, 1.G.3, 1.NBT.4, 1.OA.3, 2.G.1, 2.G.3, 2.NBT.5, 2.OA.2, 3.G.1, 3.OA.7, 3.NBT.2, 3.NBT.3, 3.NF.1, 3.NF.3, 4.G.3, 4.OA.1, 4.NF.2, 4.NF.3, 4.NF.6.
Also if you like this app, check out Monster Math too!
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Version History
Last version released 234 days ago.
Bug Fixes
* Removing unused libraries.
* Updates to user flow.
* update latest libraries
* update latest libraries
* update latest libraries
* Minor Fixes and performance improvements.
Bug Fixes and performance improvements
* Bug fixes and performance improvements.
* Update to latest libraries.
Removing location permission and also removing near by mode.
Updates to analytics and removing 3rd party SDK's
Fixes to a crash on certain devices.
Minor Fixes
Minor Fixes
Minor Fixes
Access to Printables.
Minor Fixes
Improved onboarding with a default user "learner"
Fixing several crashes and improving performance in general.
* Several improvements to multi-app experience
Fixed the crash happening on Android 4.4 devices.
Reducing APK size further, fixing a few issues.
Revamping how emails are handled, and fixing quite a few crashes. Also adding double-optin to ensure that emails are verified before reports are sent.
Fixing a few issues related to subscription purchase screen.
Adding subscription feature to Multiplayer app, also reducing the download size significantly.