LubeCheck app is sending request online.
LubeCheck app is sending request online.
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Simply and easy, submit your sample bottle of PTT LUBRICANT’s used oil without writing label by using LubeCheck app and getting test report through this app.
Easily way by just only open LubeCheck app, scan the QR code on PTT LUBRICANT’s sample bottle and then paring with your specific machine or equipment or engine by scanning identifier QR code where indicated used oil analysis program. Once you finish paring and submit request there is unnecessary additional notification to laboratory. The data entered to the system automatically. You can also tracking the status and progression of your sample analysis where it can check completely used oil analysis report in LubeCheck app
LubeCheck app can help
• Save time
• Accuracy of equipment data
• Notification over due date of oil sampling
• History of used oil analysis report
Version History
Last version released 1538 days ago.
64 bits support + new scan module
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