The Lower app is your place to save for and finance a home.
The Lower app is your place to save for and finance a home.
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Let’s Make You a Homeowner!
Set your goal, save for a down payment, get advice, check your credit, then buy that home. Everything you need to get your finances in line and be dream-home ready—all in the Lower app.
Save with HomeFund™. It's the place to save, specifically for your home. While you're earning HomeCash on each deposit, your HomeFund is building long-term interest. It all adds up to saving for—and buying—a home faster.
For every dollar you deposit into your savings, we’ll match you with a dollar in HomeCash™. Once you’re ready to buy, use HomeCash™ toward the purchase of your home.
Set goal. Build savings. Celebrate. Tell us how much you want to save, and we’ll do the rest. Set goal. Get reminders. See your savings grow. We’re here to show you the way to buying your home.
Keep an eye on mortgage rates in the app while your HomeFund grows. Once you've met your savings goal, your loan advisor is just one tap away.
Get your credit ready. You’ve got your savings going, now it's time to get that credit score in shape. Keep tabs on your score in the app and get credit-ready while you save.
Check it all out at Lower.com/app
Lower is a DBA of Homeside Financial, LLC.
NMLS ID #1124061
Version History
Last version released 1193 days ago.
Small bug fixes and stability upgrades.
Small UX improvements and bug fixes.
Small bug fixes and stability upgrades.
Minor bug fixes and stability upgrades.
Small bug fixes. Framework and tooling upgrades.
Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Small copy and functionality updates.
Small bug fixes and stability improvements.
Minor UI/UX improvements and bug fixes.
Deep linking support and small bugfixes.
UX updates and improvements to our recurring deposit and regular deposit flow.
Minor bug fixes and stability upgrades.
Small bug fixes and stability upgrades.
Small stability improvements and optimizations.
Customer Advice Tool updates and minor bug fixes.
Advice Tool for new customers and upgrades to the sign up process
Small bugfixes and performance enhancements
Bugfixes and stability upgrades
Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
Updates to Join and Login process
Recurring deposit configuration small visual adjustments.
Minor bugfixes and improvements on account management
Minor bugfixes and Plaid integration upgrades.
Terms and Legal copy updates.
New promotional code feature, copy updates, stability improvements.
UX improvements, better alert messaging, performance enhancements.
UX improvements, exception handling upgrades, performance enhancements.
Small bugfixes and user experience upgrades.
User Experience improvements on transaction listings and credit.
Base framework updates and stability upgrades.
Small bugfixes and configuration updates.
Small bugfixes and stability improvements.
Cache and performance optimizations. Stability improvements.
Small onboarding process improvements.
Small bugfixes and copy updates
Small bugfixes and copy updates. New onboarding process.
Small bugfixes and copy updates
Performance adjustments and better balance between API requests and local storage.
Framework security upgrades and stability improvements.
Sign up UX enhancements
Small bugfixes and stability enhancements
Small bugfixes and performance improvements.
Accessibility updates and minor bug fixes.
Minor bug fixes. Performance improvements. Pagination for transaction screens.
Additional input validations.
Performance optimizations.
Minor fixes. Improvements to signup analytics
Rates service update. Small bug fixes.