Nursery and Kindergarten Management Software & App
Nursery and Kindergarten Management Software & App
Total Ratings
The most effective application for pre-schools and nurseries. Quick contact between a parent and an institution, settlements, documentation - all in one place!
For the Director
The end of paper documentation! LiveKid means automatic settlements, catering orders, electronic and specialist diaries. The application will improve the management of not only the school's finances, but also the staff and communication with parents.
For the Teacher
LiveKid is a thread of communication that connects the teacher with the parent. The educator can provide current information via chat or quick notifications. Also always has information about children and attendance at hand!
For the parent
With LiveKid you stay close to your child throughout the day. With one click, you can report a future absence, plan meals or write a message to the facility. All announcements, photos, menus and notifications are always at hand!
Version History
Releasing updates every about 1 month on average. Last update 26 days ago.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Overlay keyboard fixed
- New chat and notification settings bugs fixed
- Improved application security
- Updated "activity" tab for teachers/administrators
- Search option added on multiple sites
- Missing reports added to report wizard on mobile devices
- Specialized journal
- New text editor for announcements
- New SMS message format for catering
- Improved automatic language / region selection
- New permissions system
- Background updates
- Notification improvements
- Optimization fixes
- Rebranding
- Optimization fixes
- Optimization fixes
- Optimization fixes
Poprawki błędów
Live video chats.
Nowy wygląd aplikacji
Nowy wygląd aplikacji
Dodanie możliwości przeglądania plików PDF/docx
Poprawa działania na androidzie 4.4.2
Poprawa działania na systemie Android 4.4.2
Możliwość opłacania rachunków w kilka sekund :)
Mobilne płatności.
Optymalizacja szybkości działania
Poprawki błędów
Usprawnienie notyfikacji dla wersji Android 8.0
Poprawka systemu aktualizacji
Other Information
Show Details