Anime Launcher PRO

anime icons for anime lovers!

In-App PurchaseNo
Shows AdsYes
LaunchedJan 07, 2023
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⭐⭐⭐ Always the best ⭐⭐⭐

Anime icons ⭐⭐⭐

🏆 Launcher award of 2023 according to CyberDroid, Android Co, Android Relay, and TechWise

🏆 3D Icons Experience Award 🏆

⭐ App Library:· In contrast to a rigid grid layout used by other Android launchers, LauncherX's app library can adapt to your needs. The media player, incoming messages, or calendar events: everything pops in when it needs to.

⭐ Widgets · Efficiently reach every app without even having to open an app drawer. It also helps you navigate your phone with just one hand.

💬 Embedded notifications · Not just notification dots: Read and respond to notifications right from your home screen.

🎯 Stay focused · The streamlined and minimalist design declutters your home screen, reduces distractions, and is super easy to use.

⛔ Ad-free · Ads on a minimalist launcher to declutter doesn't make sense.

⚡ Lightweight & lightning fast · Being minimalist and fluid are two of the most important aspects of LauncherX. The home screen app runs smoothly on all phones. With just a few megabytes in size, no space is wasted.

✨ Declutter your home screen · Hide all pre-installed bloatware and rarely used apps to focus on your relevant apps.

🦄 Personalize your home screen · Impress your friends with LauncherX's clean look and customize it to your needs. Personalize it with our integrated icon pack and wallpapers, or use your own.

🏃 Active development & great community · LauncherX is in active development and has a very supportive community. If you ever have a problem or want to voice your opinions about the launcher, please reach us:

Permissions overview:
🔎 Query all apps: To show apps installed on your device.
💿 Storage: We use storage only for wallpaper extraction for adaptive colors and backing up and restoring profiles.
📅 Calendar: To show events on your desktop.
🛰️ Location: For an automatic weather reading on your desktop.
🛠 Accessibility: To lock the screen or show the recent apps screen triggered by custom tap or swipe gestures.
🔑 Device Administrator: To lock the screen triggered by custom tap or swipe gestures.

Accessibility Service Permission: Our Launcher app uses this permission to bring users navigation gestures like swipe up to go home screen or swipe from left side to show recent apps. We also use Accessibility Service for let users turn off phone's screen with double-tap gesture. It is optional and disabled by default and it doesn't collect or share any data.


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Version History

Last version released 809 days ago.

LaunchedJan 07, 2023

Other Information