UKG Ready

Your employer must have UKG Ready software configured for Mobile.

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LaunchedDec 13, 2017
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The UKG Ready™ mobile app (formerly known as Kronos Workforce Ready) connects you anytime, anywhere to all your HR, payroll, talent, and time needs. With the information you need at your fingertips, you can accomplish a variety of tasks with ease when it’s most convenient for you, helping you succeed in your work and balance your life.

Whether you’re on a job site, on the road, at home, or simply on the move, you can get to what you need right from your mobile device. Clock in or out of a shift, check your pay, request time off, enroll in benefits, or handle any other similar tasks in moments.

If you’re a manager, we’ve got you covered too. Adjust your team’s schedule to fill gaps, work on performance reviews, handle approvals, or even uncover trends like who’s likely to leave or how your team is feeling about their work so you can make a difference for them and your business.

It’s all possible on the go with the Ready mobile app. Connect with us today from your device to get started.

Need help with the app? Check out our resource page:

• To use the UKG Ready mobile app, your organization must enable access and provide you with your 7-digit company shortname.
• Your organization determines which features you can access. Contact your manager or company administrator with any questions about logging in, what features are available to you, or connection issues.


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Version History

Releasing updates every about 1 month on average. Last update 34 days ago.

1.97.11Feb 21, 2025

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- Mobile specific UI improvements to modals and dialogs.
- Additional integration support.
- Performance improvements.

1.96.14Feb 05, 2025

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:
- An update to address google login issues

1.96.13Jan 30, 2025

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:
- Update to address google login issues

1.96.11Dec 20, 2024

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- System wide UI improvements
- A new Expense module
- Project Costing capabilities

1.95.11Oct 11, 2024

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- HR Checklist Improvements
- Improvements to the Schedule view

1.94.8Sep 11, 2024

To fix performance and 5G related issues.

1.94.7Sep 11, 2024

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- Single Sign-On updates to improve stability.
- Recommended Charts to improve, and simplify, your reporting experience.

1.93.28Jun 21, 2024

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- Single Sign-On updates to improve stability
- A redesigned Multi-Factor Authentication flow to improve ease of use
- Enhanced global search capabilities to allow you to find your pages faster

1.92.11Apr 12, 2024

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- Biometric login updates to improve stability and performance.
- Enhanced buttons throughout the application to improve visibility and click space.
- A new System Utilization dashboard to improve visibility into how your employees are using the application.

1.91.6Feb 16, 2024

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- Additional flexibility for Custom Forms UI in mobile.
- Absence Management improvements
- Enhancement Survey functionality

1.90.7Dec 08, 2023

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience, including:

- Improvement to Employee Home such reminders, status icons and a new clock button.
- A new Timesheet Task widget.
- Webforms for CC-305 and Federal W4.

1.89.6Oct 13, 2023

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience. Including enhancements made to the desktop experience such as:

- Enhanced NFC tags for punches
- Guided Timesheet Error Resolution
- New Employee Home page
- Compliance and Forms Hub

1.88.3Aug 07, 2023

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience. Including enhancements made to the desktop experience such as:

- Improved Benefits Enrollment experience
- Multi-Currency support
- Accrual Donations

1.87.7Jun 16, 2023

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:
- Enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile

1.86.4Apr 20, 2023

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Accrual Donations

1.85.4Feb 24, 2023

Some great enhancements have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- The ability to reorder offline punch buttons on the quick punch page
- Bug fixes

1.84.5Jan 18, 2023

Bug Fixes

1.84.4Jan 04, 2023

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Ability to reorder buttons on quick punch page
- Partial open shift requests

1.83.5Oct 28, 2022

1.82.2Aug 26, 2022

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- New action on the timesheet 'Sync LOA' which will prompt the user to add or update a case for timesheet entries
- For compliance purposes, Section 1 of the federal Form I-9 will no longer auto-populate from the employee record and must be completed manually

1.81.7Jun 28, 2022

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Increased security for Bank Account and National ID numbers
- Support of Learning App and Ready Learning synchronization

1.81.6Jun 27, 2022

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Increased security for Bank Account and National ID numbers
- Support of Learning App and Ready Learning synchronization

1.81.5Jun 24, 2022

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Increased security for Bank Account and National ID numbers
- Support of Learning App and Ready Learning synchronization

1.80.7Apr 29, 2022

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience including:

- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Mobile Quick Punch now supports Extra Buttons and Custom Labels
- Added the ability to attach documents/photos to punches from the dashboard clock
- Schedule Availability/Preferences label updates

1.79.1Feb 18, 2022

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience:

- The mobile app now supports the use of NFC tags
- Many enhancements made to the desktop experience will be available for mobile
- Fixed an issue where the child premium calculation column was not displaying in the mobile view
- Fixed localization issues for the label Shortname when logging into the application

1.77.0Oct 29, 2021

- Adjusted the frequency of the prompt that requests users to rate the application
- Changed UltiPro labels to UKG Pro
- Fixed translation bugs
- Fixed localization issues in offline mode

1.76.2Aug 20, 2021

Fixed several bugs and added several features to provide you with a better mobile experience:

- Ability to attach and delete documents from a time off request
- Ability to quick punch with a badge number

1.75.3Jul 15, 2021

Fixed several bugs that caused users to have to sign in to the mobile app when using single sign on.

1.75.2Jun 25, 2021

Some great enhancements and bug fixes have been released to provide you with a better mobile experience:

- Fixed several bugs
- A pop up to download the latest version if the version is no longer supported
- Functionality that allows links to directly open the application
- Users can now provide product feedback

1.74.1Apr 23, 2021

Some great enhancements have been delivered to our main desktop application that are also available within your mobile experience:

- Checkout our new employee profile experience
- Your company administrator can take advantage of our Company Hub Dashboard
- The new Timesheet experience has been made available in both desktop and mobile
- Additional bug fixes, as we do in every release

1.73.1Feb 26, 2021

In this release, you’ll have access to a lot of great new functionality that is also in our desktop experience. You’ll also find a couple of features that will help maximize your mobile experience, including:

- Enhanced timesheet experience for employees and managers
- Admins can schedule SMS Broadcast Communications on a schedule which you might receive.
- Biometric messages have been updated to make it clearer when you’ve been configured for login, e-signature, or both.

1.72.4Dec 11, 2020

In this release, we’ve updated our app with the new UKG Ready name and icons. You’ll also find a couple of features that will help maximize your mobile experience, including:
• SMS 2-way support has been extended to shift swap, request for coverage and open shift workflows
• E-signature support for post-finalization flows within Performance Reviews

1.71.1Nov 13, 2020

In this release, we've delivered some functionality that help to improve the application experience, but specifically for a mobile device. These features include:
- Users can begin to use their device's biometric support for signatures.
- "Wet signature" support is available for I9s, custom forms and benefit enrollments.
- The employee profile you use on your phone has a new search capability to more easily find widgets.
- SMS 2-way support has been extended to more workflows.

1.70.5Sep 18, 2020

This release includes:
• SMS two-way support (through Twilio)
• Minor bug fixes
• Specific product enhancements (available in both desktop and mobile)

1.69.3Jun 18, 2020

In this release, we’ve done several improvements with the reporting experience:
- The headers on our reports have been optimized to eliminate more white space, ensuring you can view as much data as possible.
- Visual enhancements made to “group by employees”.
- Support for “Do not run immediately” option (desktop and mobile). Very helpful if you have a large report that you want to filter, before it runs.
- For consistency, employee picture has been made available in more reports.

1.68.3May 19, 2020

• More biometric support: Your phone’s biometrics (FaceID, TouchID) can be used in more areas (if configured): signing checklists, ACA Electronic Consent and Benefit Enrollment. Biometrics widget in your profile should be enabled.
• Search has been improved: searches are saved and give you better results
• Review our app! New rating and review capabilities have been added.
• Enhanced dashboard editing: Give it a try from your phone!

1.67.2Feb 27, 2020

• Biometrics (FaceID, TouchID) can be used for signing custom forms (if configured). Biometrics widget in your profile should be enabled.
• New Home Widgets: Start Widget, Accrual Balances, Sticky Note.
• Most first page screens now supported.
• More Employee Profile widgets supported.
• Search: All pages are searchable and recent searches have been added to help reduce your clicks!
• Reports: My Saved Reports (back to a report), multi-column sort, days profile support (again!).

1.66.2Dec 13, 2019

This was a quick release for us, but we were able to include some pretty cool enhancements:
• SSO: Optional SSO login configuration
• Employee quick links are available within the menu search
• To Do’s: are fully supported
• Charts: display custom-configured report column titles
• Time-off: Employee lookups for managers will exclude terminated employees
• Scheduler: A new monthly
• Performance: Peer-to-Peer feedback

1.64.6Aug 28, 2019

•Reporting Enhancements: Create/modify groups and enhanced report pagination selector.
•Tool tip added to region selector that will help users identify Company Shortname.
•Ability to view workflows
•Support for To Dos: Counter Approvals, Data Removal, Benefit Change, Benefit EOI
•More content supported for Employee Profile and Payroll.
•View/manage more government forms
•View Benefit Change Requests and related reports
•Each release includes various bug fixes across the product suite.

1.64.5Aug 23, 2019

•Reporting Enhancements: Create/modify groups and enhanced report pagination selector.
•Tool tip added to region selector that will help users identify Company Shortname.
•Ability to view workflows
•Support for To Dos: Counter Approvals, Data Removal, Benefit Change, Benefit EOI
•More content supported for Employee Profile and Payroll.
•View/manage more government forms
•View Benefit Change Requests and related reports
•Each release includes various bug fixes across the product suite.

1.62.2Apr 25, 2019

• New reporting enhancements that allow access to additional settings, saving views, and ability to add/remove columns.
• New offline capabilities! Now employees have access to recently used cost centers and ability to switch between EINs.
• More pages now available within HR and Recruitment
• Managers can view/edit Direct Deposits for their employees
• The Timekeeping experience has been updated to include approvals time entries across cost centers
• Various bug fixes across the product suite

1.61.4Mar 21, 2019

Your employer must have the Workforce Ready mobile app software configured for mobile use:
• Check and/or edit your timesheets for accuracy
• Submit and view time off requests
• Check vacation/sick balances
• Enroll in benefits and view existing benefits
• Check your schedule
• View pay stubs and manage direct deposits.
• Check your schedule and, if enabled, swap shifts with peers

1.61.1Feb 22, 2019

Your employer must have the Workforce Ready mobile app software configured for mobile use:
• Check and/or edit your timesheets for accuracy
• Submit and view time off requests
• Check vacation/sick balances
• Enroll in benefits and view existing benefits
• Check your schedule
• View pay stubs and manage direct deposits.
• Check your schedule and, if enabled, swap shifts with peers

1.60.3Dec 14, 2018

New version of mobile app for release 60

1.59.1Oct 25, 2018

Release 59

1.58.1Aug 16, 2018

New Release for 58

1.57.2Jun 18, 2018

Updates and bug fixes for 57.

1.56.2May 04, 2018

For release 56

1.55.2Feb 23, 2018

Minor bug fixes and synchronizing with release

LaunchedDec 13, 2017

Other Information