Knack Games
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All three Knack games - Meta Maze, Dashi Dash, and Bomba Blitz - now available in a single app!
What is Knack?
More than just a game company, we use the power of games to help people discover their knacks—the unique combination of strengths, talents, and personality traits within each and every one of us.
Our technology combines mobile games, massive amounts of data, and state-of-the-art insights from behavioral science to understand what makes you shine.
Version History
Last version released 2268 days ago.
Bug fixes
Additional translations.
Fixed a tutorial bug
Updates and performance improvements.
New streamlined startup process
Additional languages, performance improvements
New languages and bug fixes.
New languages added!
Added Serbian language!
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Added a new screen so you can check and fix any data upload errors!