J&T Cambodia
Multiple Waybills Tracking
Multiple Waybills Tracking
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Be able to multiple tracking waybill by owner phone number for Sending and Receiving parcels.
Version History
Last version released 194 days ago.
A new experience for users.
Update app banner
Network query and positioning UI optimization
Fix some known issues
1,Package track query supports one-item and multiple-piece type waybill numbers.
2,Fix some known issues
Fix some known issues
Fix some known issues
1、Added cross-border parcel forecast function
2、Optimize the order cancellation function and support selecting the reason for cancellation
3、Fix some known issues
1.Optimize the outlet query function and support using the map to query outlets
2.Fix some known issues
bug fix
1.Cross-border business interface optimization
2.Fix some known issues
Order interface have updated "I SENT" and "I RECEIVE" parcel
Update the function of international parcels
Add cross-border business code
Other Information
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