JPMC Ink News
JPMorgan Chase firmwide news
JPMorgan Chase firmwide news
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Employees can access news about JPMorgan Chase on the go, including the Ink employee newspaper, local news, employee photos, trivia and polls. The perfect opportunity to catch up on what is going on at the firm, no matter where you are,
The Ink app was recently updated to enhance the user experience. Users can now:
• Share and view photos from colleagues around the world. Upload photos directly to the Ink app and view photos from other employees.
• Watch podcasts and livestreams from anywhere.
• Watch JPMorgan Chase News. That’s right: The firm’s weekly video news series can now be watched on the app; anytime, from anywhere.
Version History
Releasing updates every 21 days on average. Last update 21 days ago.
Resolved issue with Android push notifications to ensure they are displayed correctly and consistently.
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Push notifications on android devices fixed.
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