Infy Me
App for Infosys employees with all the key transactions available on-the-go.
App for Infosys employees with all the key transactions available on-the-go.
Total Ratings
Infy Me app is part of “Employee Experience” program started with the goal to make all the key transactions available to you on-the-go, provide the best experience possible and to amplify your potential. The app requires sign-in with valid Infosys domain credentials and 2nd factor authentication.
You can create/change phone or PIN from webapps->MFA portal
Application features:
1. Infy Global: Be up-to-date with the latest happenings in the organization, read the leaders Blogs, know about fellow Infoscions and access Individual Communication here.
2. Services: Leave, Holiday calendar, Book US domestic air travel, Timesheets, Pulse survey, Onduty, Optional holidays, Advance leaves, pre comp-off, weekend working, Work from home, Late stay, Night stay, Accommodation, Local taxi, regularize single swipe and status unknown, Schedule a phone call (Buzz), Infosys Directory, Hive, Share and seek feedback, View average working hours, Laptop gate pass, My ID card, Global helpdesk
3. Notifications: Approvals On the go and view the Information/Action items. Approvals like Accommodation, Advance travel, Domestic travel, International Travel, Late stay, Loan for IL, BPM, Local taxi, Night stay, Leave, Leave cancellation approval (for India), On duty, Single swipe, Status unknown, Weekend Working, Work from home
4. Profile – Dashboard showing average working hours, leave balance and WFH balance along with profile details
5. Transaction search - No need to navigate through the menu. All your transactions are available right on the home page. Type in the keywords, select the transaction, enter the details and submit.
Note: Kindly report the issues to the before rating the application in play store.
Version History
Releasing updates every 14 days on average. Last update 13 days ago.
iCount ibpm Expandable, Unified Search Typeahead Navigation, Income tax Profile Submission and bug fixes.
Enhancement : Invest Insight Hub, Infosys Subsidiaries Image, Spain Medical Insurance,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Unified Search Typeahead Instrumented, Keyboard Multi Line Input Issue, Glomo H1B cap,
Bug Fixes.
Enhancement : Hale Survey, iCount, Infy Me (Addition of Subsidiary widget), Profile Stripes bug fix, RTO Bug Fix,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Glomo, Insider Trading, UPSI, Benefit Bugfixes, IHD Support page, AHD Error Handling, Glomo Visa Feedback, RTO, Burger Menu - Homepage, Profile-BOA, Step tracker common feedback, Common Feedback- Bug fix, Lnc-IJP, External App, Calendar- Collab URL, AHD to IHD, bug fixes.
Enhancement : BOA, Support Page, RTO Card, Telemetry changes,OTPS
Make State, Onsite Leave, Profile US residential, IHD, Share an idea,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Travel, Unified Search, Calendar Workflow, Laptop Acceptance, Burger Menu, IHD, lnc,
Bug fix.
Enhancement : ConnectInfy Micro feedback, Profile, Common Feedback, Common configuration, OIC Questionnaire, Book seat, AHD- feedback common configuration, AHD -Service now migration, Book seat - RTO card,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Book Seat, Icount, Profile bank,
Bug fix.
Enhancement : Sales 360 Bugfix, Profile Official Group Joining date, Benefits UK Dp Consent, AHD Error Screenshot Telemetry, Faq Instrumented html content, Laptop acceptance,
Bug fix.
Enhancement : NSA, FAQ Bot, People Filter Telemetry, Sales 360, Icount,
Bug fixes.
Step tracker and bug fix.
- Step Tracker
- Benefits Policy Quick View Changes
- iCount PTA Calculation Changes
- iCount JL6 and France Employee Validation changes
- iCount Senior management changes-All tabs
- LNC - IJP for BPM
- Profile Disability Changes
Enhancement : Delegated Approvals, Benefit note message changes, Connect infy Telemetry Changes, RTO card bug fixes, Benefits - doc upload - Bug fixes, NSA - Add Eligible Employee, Insider trading, Icount, Splash sound enable and disable, AHD Error Screenshot, MSal Intune, AHD,
bug fix.
Enhancement : Laptop ID card, Account unlock, Contact US, iCount, KMP performance changes, Burger menu, HIP - Navigation from WFH, KMP & JL6 Goal Settings , Bug fix.
Enhancement : Book Seat, App review dependency, Digitised Deal Approval Notification, External app changes, Pulse changes, Benefits: Document upload in enrol screen, Benefit: Auto population of employer, Benefit: In Ireland Pension screen "Additional Voluntary Employee Contribution and Once off", Burger Menu, Laptop Request, Target SDK update, HIP Benefits, Approval,
Bug fixes
Enhancement : Profile - Dependent field , UPSI, compensation, Comp off Approval, iCount, Benefit :National Id, connectInfy, Exception request for wfh, Total reward system, Field for Certification, Phoenix app addition, Nginx file, Implementation allowance, Book Seat, Work profile logs.
Enhancement : Icount, OMS, comp off, BMP sales, ConnectInfy issue – Live issue, iCount- KMP and JL6 employees
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : book seat fixes, connect infy, optional holiday
bug fix
Enhancement : Icount IBPM, RT fixes, Unified Search , Bank Add button, Project 360
Bug fixes
Enabled Canada SIN and US Residential, Approval, Events, iCount JL6 Goal Setting changes, iMother iMother FAQ / Flexi Assignment, changes in IIN
Enhancement : Confirmaton System, KSA-Quatar, domestic travel, pbs approvel, hale motivation Bug fixes
Enhancement : Nudge, InfyMe-Milestone video, Claims, book seat loading issue, Telemetry changes in error event, External app, Insider trading, iCount Changes- KMP, Book seat - Add go , back in popup, bug fixes, samaritians, Poland od Bug fix
Enhancement : AHD changes, Hotel Accommodation,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Unified Search, Book Seat, Nudge, Glomo, Certification, Connect Infy, Digitized Deal, Edit address, DMS service migration, Sales360 - Surge Trend changes,
Bug fix
Enhancement : Sales360 - Manage Sales - Telemetry changes, Digitized Deal Approval, Travel Req, Stellar Saturday
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Go Vaccinate, Night Shift Consent, Local Language Changes for China, Japan & Russia, Enabling seat booking and rebook option for 3rd working day in Mobile, Bug fixes
Enhancement : Sales360 - Hint - IIN Tab, HDFC bank changes, Claims SVP, Multiple asset declaration, iCount changes, Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Race & Ethnicity USA infyme mobile, AHD live fixes, US Residential, Q_Cert, iCount JL5 and Below,and JL6 , BPM non sales, Asset Lost and Damage new changes,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Sales360 - Sales Effectiveness CSAT Survey, Manage Sales - Update Request - Account Assistance, Optional holiday -grouping, Book seat - pinch popup issue
Bug fixes
Enhancement : Sound of opportunity, ADD/Edit option enablement for Philippines National id, Bridge content Changes, Apply leave - issue in with / without approver, Instana Url and key change,Sales360 - Hint Changes
Bug fixes
Enhancement : Photo gallery submission, Edit Dependent National ID Detail, Employee national id changes , LNC, HIP Update notification, 4cast360 - MCO and DM Delegation, Nudge changes,
Bug fixes
Enhancement :Claims Declaation changes, Delete Dependent, Inside trading
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Nudge changes, MSAL and Intune Update, eDocket changes, Book using OCR, Book Seat - Collaboration Changes
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Icount, Apply Election Holiday, Sales 360 - Feedback Module, Sales360 - Social Trends changes ,
bug fixes.
Enhancement : Sales360 - Manage Sales - Service Request, Sales360 - Clone Opportunity, Sales360 - Update Request - Update Consulting Details, iCount BPM Sales-RT, Edit Bank-enable file upload option for UAE, Retirals-SA as on Date change, Book Seat
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Spain Medical Insurance, Tax regime,
bug fixes.
Enhancement : Icount, Insider Trading Validation,
Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Book seat, Data Privacy, Living Labs, Book mark,
Bug fixes
Enhancement : Global Help Desk, Accommodation, AHD changes, Sales360, Edit bank -Enable file upload for UAE, About Us- InfyMe release details UI Change, Assignment Extension Approval, LnC Bridge Academy details, Career card details changes, Inside trading, Bug fixes.
Enhancement : Update Request - Opportunity Initiative Tagging, RMS freeze changes3.Local taxi, iRemote on Demand, H-1B Cap Workshop FY24 (Pre-Registration Process), Book Seat - Typeahead Search and rebook changes, Living Labs, AHD Reopen Functionality and DP Consent Added,
Bug fixes
Enhancement :
Manage Sales - Create Opportunity - CXO field,Account360 - Insideview - NTP and IT Spend,Update Request- Re-open stale deals,Update Request – Lead Source Change,International Travel Approval Changes, iCount SVP MUSD,PROPEL,Pulse new changes
Bug fixes
Enhancement : Update Request - Home Page Changes, Account360 -External nudges in Overview tab(redesign), Unified Search, iCount Feed Back survey in JL6 SMR and Profile Official year end evaluation , Qcert Unbilled/Uninitiated , H-1B Cap Workshop FY24 (Pre-Registration Process), Sales360 - IKI and SI icons added, Unified Search Error State
Bug fixes.
Enhancement: Icount BPM sale, Manage Sales -Create Opportunity Page (new fields addition), Update Request - Opportunity Owner Change, Android Pulse exception handling issue, Information Security, Account360 -Lead id changes in Marketing Insights tab, 40 years celebrations
Bug Fixes.
Enhancement: compensation service change, Profile Picture Alert,MUSD, Icount BPM sale
Bug Fixes
Enhancement :Manage Sales - Opportunity Page changes, Account360 - ZoomInfo and Lead Id changes, Sales 360 - Subapps, Wellness and Leisure, Role Change Gateway url change, PROPEL, Kaizen, Unified search, Icount BPM sales, Icount Absolute, Edit bank
Bug Fixes.
Enhancement : Manage Sales -Update Request (Child Customer - Remove Dormancy Flag),Account unlock and bit locker,IKI,Icount BPM Non Sale,Photo Like Feature,Stories flow changes in UI,Archival Year picker,
Recent Search Changes,
PR Changes in Approvals,
Search in Approvals,
Icount manager feedback,
Icount JL6,
Icount JL5
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Manage Sales - Update Request (Account category), WFH & OD rostered days, Communication card, EFHIP, LNC ,SAQ, edit bank live issue, book seat choose seat UI change, UPSI
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Account 360 – Inside View Contact Details, Infy TV, Role Change Recommendation,
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Book Seat – Network changes, Account360 - Discount Premium & Inside View Changes, Official Accommodation changes, EFHIP – current cycle changes.
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : 4cast360 - MCO Summary View (BE from Credit Subunit MCOs in my PF), IKI, HIP
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : 4cast360 - Quarter and Year Filter, Account360 - (Events-Campaigns-Marketing Insights), GloMo FLA changes,
HALE Happiness Meter, Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Outlook Calendar under What’s in store, InfyTV and InfyPod under Stories picked just for you, World of Infosys - Archival Pages ,Changes in Profile Edit National ID , Attrition Backfill Use Case, Changes in 4cast360 - (DP-Summary View), Account360 - (Events-Campaigns-Marketing Insights)
Bug Fixes
Enhancement :SMR SVP changes, SMR JL7 regression, iCount Bpm Changes, National ID super fund
Bug Fixes
New feature : Glomo ORF
Enhancement :Account 360 - InsideView Insights, CRM Certification Opportunity Dashboard, Loan-DP Consent in medical emergency, 4cast360 - (ORG-TPD-AMT) changes, Nudge changes, Claims changes, Communication card changes, eSeparation approval changes, SAQ(COD)Changes
Bug Fixes
New feature: App Shortcuts, Communication card
Enhancement: Propel changes, L&C - Onsite demands, Overtime preapproval system submission,
Vaccination Changes, profile(Race and Enthnicity & Bank) changes
New feature : LinkedIn & twitter Profile Cover Images
Enhancement :4cast360 Finance roles and Summary, Covid Leave Changes, Race and Ethnicity changes, Survey in Timesheet, Demand TMS changes,
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : 4Cast360 – SH - role, Connectinfy changes, Manage Sales – CRM certificate, SAQ Changes, ASHI changes, Book seat changes, Vaccination changes, Iconnect changes
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Profile address changes, Holiday calendar changes, H1B visa changes, E-Separation changes, Propel changes, 4cast360 changes, Infy advantage changes
Bug Fixes
Enhancement: Kaizen changes, Unified search changes, WOI changes, Time sheet changes, Get social changes
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : 4cast360-SOH role, Time Sheet Changes, UK Pension – Benefits, Onduty address changes, Rewards changes
Bug Fixes
New feature : About Infy me - Read / View
Enhancement : Unified search, Leave dp changes, Propel changes, Kaizen changes, WFH Client asset tracking changes, Covid updates vaccination status, Profile - city searches, Covid leave manage changes, Online authorization - Gender
Bug Fixes
Group seat booking, iCount SMR changes, Performance Bonus notifications and App review for new joinees.
Enhancement: Bereavement Leave, Support system health changes, Rewards, Icount- IBPM changes
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Article Rating Changes, HowzU App, Lifes Good Ratings, Paternity/Adoption leave, Discover Rating, PROPEL Changes, E separation Approvals, E separation Analytics and WFO US Scenario
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : GLOMO employee acceptance, 4cast360 cosmetic change, Search Drupel navigation changes, Covid Leave changes, WFO changes, Glomo Dependent Visa Initiation, eDoc, Loan changes DP consent, Payroll Deduction, Vaccination Program - 'Not Vaccinated' capture, Claims URL change, MSAL Android fixes, PROPEL pride artifacts and elf addition, Historical edit Screen for InfyMe, ConnectInfy lable text changes
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : iCount, LNC Bridge& DQ changes, UPSI, Claim ergonomics & Electricity changes, Howzu, Nudge Changes, BTN, Chat Bot revamp
Bug Fixes
New feature : Exempt/Non-Exempt changes
Enhancement : CAMS Approvals,PROPEL changes ,BTN changes,4cast360 changes ,Your tickets
Bug Fixes
New feature : QAS, Glomo Feedback,Embedded Analytics - Apply WFH/OD/Leave
Enhancement : IKI Insights store, Unified search, Claims - IA and DP changes, Support banner, Insider Trading, WFO
Bug Fixes
New feature: Wellness card
Enhancement: Holiday calendar - US, Claims - Ergonomics& Electricity, Claims vaccination, FCM notification, Wishes, Edit Profile - Move and sync, MCO BE redirection to 4cast360, 4cast360 BE - onsite volume split
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Advanced Leave updates,Geolocation to identify actual location of employee during WFH & OD submission
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Miscarriage Leave, ICount Feedback modification And Message change (Goal Settings), Confirmation System, Local Taxi OLA Consent, Claims – Receipt Store, ILMS, Account 360 ABM and Manage Sales
Enhancement : Medical Emergency Loan in view of Covid situation, Glomo GC Premium processing, PBS Embedded analytics
Crash Fixes
Enhancement - Go Vaccinate, On Duty
Bug fixes
COVID approver logic change and fixes
New feature : Offline page
Enhancement : GoVaccinate, RMS Survey
Crash Fixes
Enhancement : COVID - Emergency support feature in InfyMe
Crash Fixes
New feature : Apply Covid leave
Enhancement : Account360 - Sun Industry changes, Online Authorization - Education and Experience
Crash Fixes
Enhancement : PROPEL,RMS
Crash Fixes
New feature : Covid vaccination
Enhancement : Gratuity, iCount - SVP/JL7
Bug and Crash Fixes
Bug fixes
Refreshing and new UI
App tour to show you all the new stuff
New dimension – World of Infosys with curated content in the form of news, stories, blogs and a lot more!
What's in store today?
Personalization of homepage, service page & contents.
Dedicated support dimension –
iCount for iBPM
Learn and Career – DQ.
Enhancement : PROPEL changes
New feature : Feedback for Finance
Enhancement : Insider Trading, RMS
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Onsite Leave, OnDuty client- US, RMS
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Infosys Time Utility, 4cast360, PROPEL, RMS
Bug Fixes
New Feature : IPSAT survey
Enhancement : IKI, GLOMO – H1B visa, 4cast360, Timesheet, Learn and career : step up, BTN toggle
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : WFH and OD – system check,PROPEL,Certification,Pricing, Sales - Financial details : AR DSO changes
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Book seat , SAQ notification , UPSI changes , Delete dependent
Bug Fixes
New feature : Voice Search
Enhancement : Sales & Hint - Virtual selling, PROPEL, UPSI, NSR, Glomo Landing date confirmation
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : iCount - Communicate rating ,SOP Declaration form
Bug Fixes
New feature : Nudges, Payroll deductions, Bereavement leave, Edit citizenship
Enhancement : Learn and Career, PMS , BTN
Bug Fixes
New Feature : Location Preference for Trainees, Laptop Loan to Trainees
Enhancement : Insider trading, ALG - AU regions, Lead and Sales commission , Activity Analyzer
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : iCount- SMR manager and reviewer, Search Analytics ,Learn and Career, PMS
Bug Fixes
icount - SMR - Employee and Consultant
New feature - Edit Disability,CCD Assets,My Pending requests,ASHI,CCD Notification,RMS
Enhancement - Edit Disability,CCD Assets,My Pending requests,ASHI,CCD Notification,RMS
Bug fixes
New feature : CCD Assets, ALCON
Enhancement : iCount, Unified Search, Leave, Offer Approval
New feature : Aphelion
Enhancement : Glomo - FMM , Onsite Address Update, Learn and career,Hint
Enhancement : Learn and Career
Enhancement : Forecast360
New Feature : Glomo - Dependent Visa Initiation , UPAM Approval
Enhancement : VPF Update, MCO Survey popup, Talent Dashboard, Claims (BB,BYOD Changes and Expense Level) ,UPSI ,Implementation Allowance
Enhancements: PMS , Discover, Book Seat,Glomo Prior Stay , OMS ,WFH and OD changes
Bug Fixes
New feature : My Circle , Edit Personal Online Authorization
Enhancement : Benefits , Approval feedback, Manage Sales - NAO, Segment head home page , WFH and OD
Enhancement : Timesheet
Bug Fix
New feature : iEngage,EZLoan, Notification count
Enhancement : Approval Analytics , HALE, OMS , Travel
New feature : COC stand - alone quiz ,GLOMO OD approval, Unified Search version check, Activity Analyzer
Enhancement : Notification - information item click , Book a seat , BTN , PMS, Learn and Career
Bug Fixes
New feature : IS Analytics Survey, ConnectInfy
Enhancement : Hive
Enhancement : Book Seat
Enhancement : WFO Declaration
New feature : Basket of Allowance - Edit , Launchpad
Enhancement : Strategic Intelligence notification
Bug Fixes
WFH - OD version check
New feature : Account360 - Voice notes
Enhancement : SMR, Samaritan
New feature : Book a seat
Enhancement : Work from office Declaration , Work from home and On-Duty
New feature : Living Labs, Unified Search
Enhancement : Glomo - Role Approval and Letter Acceptance , Income Tax Regime
New feature : Leave Encashment , Strategic Intelligence - Mid week watercooler
Enhancement : PMS, Project360, Apply Advance Leave
Enhancement : Apply for Corporate Credit Card, Pulse Survey, Employee Confirmation
Bug Fixes
Enhancement : Work from office
Enhancement : Learn and Career
New feature : Zerodha Integration
New Feature : HALE, Sparsh Comments
Bug Fixes
Learn and Career
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
New feature : COVID -19 Contribution
New Enhancement : Claims BB Policy - Expense End Date Validation
New Feature : Teleconference
New Enhancement : Strategic Intelligence - Quick Access
Enhancements - Travel decalration , Travel Social Updates , Laptop Loan
Enhancements : Glomo - ORF Approvals , Hive and SLA ,PMS changes
New feature : Embedded Analytics, BE - Forecasting360, COVID-19 Communications on Infy Me
Enhancement : Infy Advantage –Myntra/Amazon changes, Claims – Clubbing of travel request, US taxation changes
New feature : CL Dashboard
Enhancement : Glomo - Prior Stays, Assignment Certification, Chat bot
Bug Fixes
New feature - EFHIP
Enhancements - Promt, Hint, DPO Certification, PMS ,Hive and SLA
Bug Fixes
Issue fixes
Local taxi fixes
Enhancement - Account360 ABM Client , Onsite leave
Bug fixes
• Notification - Service Store
• Enhancements - People Search, PROMT, Income Tax, Project360
• Bug Fixes
New features : InfyAdvantage and Promt
Enhancements :SAQ, People Search, Stock incentive summary, Claims and Glomo
Travel , AHD, Hive and Hint enhancements
Travel, Transport and Claims Enhancement
SSL certificate added
The new features released are related to E-Separation approvals, Claims Non-Travel, Receipt Store image crop feature, Zero Claims, File sharing to cloud feature for ALG and Payslips and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Confirmation Approval(Confsys) and Onsite Leave and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to UPSI and Project 360 bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Unpublished Sensitive Information (UPSI) and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Sales KPI, Q-Cert – date change, Glomo and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to TRS, Project 360, RSU & Compensation,Stock Incentive and Demand, GOHD, Samsung J7 bug fixes..
The new features released are related to People Search, Total Reward Center and Chat bot changes and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to J7 crash issue,Service page – point to view all services directly,On duty client – service URL issue, Stock incentive summary – Data message,Teams KPI,Service store,HINT search,Sales,Sales card on Homepage – Hint enable and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Account Unlock, Edit profiles, ALG, Loans, Claims, ILMS, US BV, RSU, Travel, Service listing and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Q2-Litmus , SAQ – COC changes and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to SAQ-COC , P2P Approval , Payslip , Manager’s Code released and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Account 360 changes, MCO BE and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Purchase Order, Goods receipt, NonPO Invoice approvals and Compensation, RSU and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Purchase Order, Goods receipt, NonPO Invoice approvals and Compensation, RSU and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to UPSI and Birthday card and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Q-cert & Dccrt changes and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Form 16, Income tax projection and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Claims Submission, Domestic Travel and bug fixes..
The new features released are related to Demand Dashboard, Regularize Negative Hours, Attendance Record and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Demand Dashboard, Regularize Negative Hours, Attendance Record and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Connect 2019 and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Litmus, Domestic Travel and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Account 360, Account directory, AHD and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Sapphire SAP event, Apply ML and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Income Tax for India, Loans, Timesheet US-PR and California and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Timesheet - Non Exempt ROW and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to DCCRT and CSG Document Certification, Superannuation and bug fixes.
The new feature released are related to Field force certification.
The new features released are related to Alcon certification, Claims and Milestone approvals, Comp off and leave request Withdraw and bug fixes.
The new features released are related to Sales and Demand area. The main features are Request for Talent, View Talent Request Status, Create and View Account, AMT and Opportunity, Certifications(Q-Cert), Recover Bit Locker key and bug fixes.
The new feature released are Meal Voucher and Bug fixes.
The new feature released are iMother and Bug fixes.
The new features released are Claims Receipt store, Chat Bot and Domestic Travel (all countries) and Bug fixes.
The new features released are Claims Receipt store, Chat Bot and Domestic Travel (all countries) and Bug fixes.
The new features released are Claims Receipt store, Chat Bot and Domestic Travel (all countries).
The new features released are BCMS module, Request for replacement ID card or lost ID card, Timesheet module for India/US exempt employees and Bug fixes.
The new features released are submit an idea and suggestion.
The new features released are Visa and Assignment status for self and team as part of GloMo and Security Awareness Quiz.
Infy Me app is part of “Employee Experience” program started with the goal to make all the key transactions available to Infosys employees on-the-go, to provide the best experience possible and to amplify your potential. It gives our employees capability to view their comprehensive profile, carry out various transactions related to leave & attendance, travel, people & location search, timesheet, surveys and also enables the managers to view and approve requests.
Hive - Voice based search & Goals and strategies section for JL5 and above
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
Apply & Approve Comp-Off requests.
Apply Bereavement Leave & Sick Leaves (EV employees only).
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
Q-Cert - Disclosure Committee Certification
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
Q-Cert - ECMS DM certification
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
Form 16 – Download Form 16 and Salary certificate
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
Hive:Filter and Pagination for search result
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
CommStation - view all internal communications
List/Grid view for micro apps
Enhancements and bug fixes
Only for Infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
* GloMo visa and assignment status
* One Click AHD for IS application support
* Pulse survey
* Logout
* Enhancements and BugFixes
Release Notes:
• Hive Hexagon feature
• Bug Fix: Burger menu – crash issue fixed
Release notes:
• Laptop Gate pass
• Global One Help Desk
• Push notifications
• New version update notification
• List of standalone applications
• Enhancements & Bug fixes
Only for infosys employees on role.
Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN.
Visit WebApps -> MFA Portal to modify PIN or Phone number.
Kindly, report issues to
Release notes:
• Travel trip approval enabled
• MFA Help screens
• Apply Late stay
• Buzz – Favorite contacts
• Enhancements & Bug fixes
Note: Only for infosys employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN created by you during registration. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
Release notes:
IDS - Touch to Dial / Mail added to the icons
Average hours fix
UI enhancements and BugFixes
Note: Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires MFA PIN created by you during registration. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
Buzz enhancement – Contacts page added
Release notes:
Bug Fixes
Note: Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
On-Duty issues fixed
Release notes:
Bug Fixes
Note: Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
Release notes:
Fixed the app crashing in some devices
Note: Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
New features:
About and Feedback
Enhancements and Bug fixes
Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
New features:
CIARA Approvals
Quarterly Average Working Hours in Dashboard
Enhancements and Bug fixes
Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal. Kindly, report issues to before rating and comments.
New features:
Approval for Accommodation, Travel Advance, Local Taxi, ORF, Loans, In Pipe, Field Force, OMS-CSG are added.
Enhancements and Bug fixes
Only for employees on role. Uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and requires personal PIN. You can register/change phone number or PIN from WebApps -> MFA Portal.
Application has,
* News, Blogs and ZD case studies
* Approvals - Attendance, Claims, Leave, RMS
* Employee dashboard
* Micro apps/forms - Attendance, Leave, Travel, Directory, Buzz, ID Card on demand
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