We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now.
We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now.
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DOKODEMO platform is an ECommerce website. We helped shape the way people shop online, offering Cash Back, deals and incentive rewards on the world selection of products and services. We also generate revenue from merchants or sellers, who pay a fee and commission based on the selling price of each item, and from the traffic of marketing and advertising.
DOKODEMO software developers has created this application that integrated the global marketplace through our Affiliate System. As of today, there are around ten thousands of members in our Affiliate System to support our sellers and merchants. ECommerce merchants or businesses always need a simple way to recruit marketers to boost their product sales and our Affiliate System did it very well. By doing so, we have helped a lot of ECommerce Merchants that cooperate with us to expand their online store by boosting their product’s sales and exposure.
Version History
Last version released 920 days ago.
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